
Desprite to save our relaionship.?

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Okay so my husband finally told me why we argue so much and to my surprise its what he been denying all along..

You see we have two kids, an apt and everything we need. But he wants to be able to give us everything we want two wats a good way to come up financially being 20 year old young parents so that he can feel more happy as well as me and the kids.

I mean I know they say finance is one of the reason people break up but I cant be with out him.




  1. It sounds as if you're doing pretty well financially right now if you have everything you need already.  So talk together and make sure he knows that is a major accomplishment.  Then maybe plan  

  2. Financial issues are the number one reason for divorce. It is a shame, but people tend to fight about money instead of finding a solution. Men tend to think they need to be the sole provider in the family, and sometimes that's not possible. You two are young and you can't expect to make tons of money right away; you have to work hard for it. But what you can do right now is work together to find ways to save the money that you do have. My husband and I did that as well. We started clipping coupons and cutting down on unnecessary things, and it did help. We budget ourselves more and discuss any large purchases. You have to start to talk to eachother more about finances, arguing will get things nowhere. Good luck!

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