
Destination Wedding On A Budget?

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Just getting into the planning stages, actually just research at this point. Highly likely we'll do a destination wedding. I've heard that guests typically pay their hotel and airfare and we pay everything else...We both work in the travel we can get great deals for guests on airfare and hotel. What should a typical budget be? Where can costs be cut and where shouldn't we skimp? In General, We Would Love Any Helpful Info On Destination Wedding Planning On A Low Budget! Thanks In Advance!




  1. There was a newspaper article in our newspaper about what a great savings couples can make by getting married on a cruise ship.  The wedding guests board for the ceremony and reception and then get off before the ship sails.  The wedding couple stays on the ship for the cruise as their honeymoon.  I wish we had thought of this idea when we were planning our wedding.  Choose a cruise from Florida for lots of sun.

  2. Don't let people on here tell you what is "proper and not proper". Weddings are suppose to be about the reflection of the couple getting married, NOT about what someone else thinks, wants or desires.

    I think what your doing sounds like a very good solution.

    good luck to you. :)  

  3. Good for those who have the money to throw "Platinum" Weddings, but for those of us who can't, we do destination weddings cause it's what we can afford, a happy medium for both families involved (Some in PR, others in FL) and most importantly what we WANT to do. I refuse to let anyone else think that they have the right to judge us for not having the money to have the big fancy wedding Guests want, especially, since no one else is ever inclined to chip in with the money needed to have their "opinions" turned into reality.


    Back to your question...

    Depending on the place where you have the wedding, you could actually cut down by getting a no-as-expensive-as-a-puffy-dress destination dress... Jay's Bridal has some in their Sample Sale for REALLY cheap (You have to sign in for prices, but that's no biggie)

    We are doing ours in a cruise (Our's is a ROV package-$500, cause we already got legally married in court-$380) and we plan on spending no more than $5K on everything, even helping out each of our (8) guests with $250 of their cruise stay (They'll have to take care of the rest, since they are getting a 7 day cruise/vacation too)

    We are only having one attendant each, and are not spending money on flowers (other than those included on the package) that will die soon after. So, with $5K we are getting the intimate wedding we both wanted (we hate big parties) and a 7 day party/vacation/honeymoon as well!

    Depending on what you are willing to spend/ can afford, I would plan on $5-10K. It also depends on how many people you actually want there. Mine's not too expensive, cause we never wanted a big wedding, just a small, intimate one with the mosst important people in our lives, our closest family and friends. Planning a wedding in my hometown was giving me headaches with mere acquaintances "inviting" themselves, and most of my family not able to attend... So, a cruise...Happy medium!

    For you, I would suggest checking something out in Florida (How do you feel about beach or park weddings? A lot cheaper!) or Vegas or even a cruise!

    I was checking Carnival Cruise Lines:

    you can also check with Royal Cruises, and even Princess Cruise... They might have wedding packages.

    Good Luck, and whatever you do, Have Fun!  

  4. We live in Vegas. Lots of people come here to get married.  My own daughter got married here last year and had a lovely wedding at an outdoor facility next to a pretty lake.  Look at this website  Click on Lakeside Gardens and Royal Terrace.  They have great package deals.  We upgraded the floral and had a wonderful wedding reception later at Morton's Steakhouse.

    Las Vegas is the perfect place.  Sunny, palm trees, the fabulous Las Vegas Strip.  Lots to do and both families will have a blast here.  No one will say no to a Vegas destination wedding.  And you can do it right with class and finesse and it doesn't have to scream "LAS VEGAS ELVIS WEDDING"  

    The weather here is great all the time, although it does get hot in the summer and we have oodles of fine restaurants for all your gatherings, such as rehearsal dinner and after wedding day  brunch before everyone goes their separate ways.  You can incorporate a little honeymoon in there too.

    To cut costs, you can RENT your gown and the tuxes (of course) We have many places in town you can rent your apparel.  That will GREATLY reduce costs.  

    My suggestion:  come to Vegas.  Get a great package deal that includes flowers and photography and have the wedding in the late morning or early afternoon so your reception can be a LUNCHEON reception instead of dinner which costs much more.  Rent your gown.  Book a block of rooms for you and your guests.  Being in the travel industry you also know that you can get a great deal at a hotel if you do the reception and rooms together.

  5. So you want to drag people away from their jobs and their lives, at their expense, to join you at some far flung place they wouldn't visit otherwise, for a budget wedding. Why exactly? when you could get married at home and treat your guests properly.

  6. Since you both work in travel industries I would offer to pay for the hotel (SINCE YOU CAN GET GREAT RATES ANYWAY, WHY NOT PAY FOR SOMETHING YOU HAVE CONTROL OF). Secondly, have people share rooms to cut down on costs, not two different couples in one room, but like, a couple of single cousins, or siblings.

    Let people know your on a budget, but tell them you would love to pay for the hotel & get them a great price on their airfare. It makes the guest feel like you really want them to go. Goodluck!!!

  7. While it may be an unpopular one, Blunt does make a valid point.  Even if you don't have the money for a "platinum wedding", you should make sure to treat your guests well because they do go to some expense and trouble to attend a destination wedding, more than taking your normal Saturday evening for a local one.  We don't have money for anything extravagant but we are making sure the accommodations are nice, the reception meal is nice, and the overall feeling of it is that the guests are getting a treat.  If not the best they have ever seen, at least nice enough to make them happy they took the time to attend.  We are spending about $12,000 on the whole thing.

  8. You need to make it clear if guests will also be paying for there own meals (aside for the day of the wedding).

    A lot of destination weddings do "group activities" this is NOT a must and something you can cut out.

    Otherwise, it is just like planning a normal wedding, but you will need to entrust someone at the location before hand to assure it is exactly what you are looking for.

    A lot of places outside of the U.S have people who will help you build a destination wedding onsite, sort of like a wedding planner.

    Pick a location and take it from there. The internet is your friend.  

  9. Go to, and look at estates in sunny areas. You can rent an estate, most have several "casitas", and everyone can vacation together. You can email owners for assistance about destination weddings, and if there is a competent coordinator to help. Usually these estates sleep up to 25, so if a smaller wedding is what you are trying to achieve, that is the best way to go.

  10. My gosh, give the girl a break.  Unless you have had to plan a wedding where the couple's families are from two different states or even continents, don't judge - you have no idea how difficult it is.

    A lot of hotels have great package deals for weddings, check into that at your chosen location.  Let some of the "fluff" go, and have a great time.

  11. I'm having a destination wedding. We'll get married this 8/31/08. Most of my guests will be flying or driving and they have to pay for their hotel expenses.. HOWEVER, my wedding is a platinum wedding and they all know that they are in for a treat. We are not skimping on ANYTHING. We are paying for all meals and have activities planned (golf, boat trip, beach picnic, next day brunch, rehersal dinner for all) and our reception will serve a 2 pound lobster each and having a full hosted bar with premium liquor, have fabulous guest bags etc. etc. etc..

    I have to agree with the first post, it's unfair to make guests travel far to go to a budget wedding... I wouldn't dare to do that... that would be not only rude but also unconsiderate. If you are serving chicken and having a cash bar, my as well go to your local community hall.

    Good luck

  12. Not to turn this into a message board but I think helicreature was extremely rude.  I believe that the wedding is for the COUPLE and THEIR joining in everlasting bonds... NOT the 'guests'.  Not everyone has the desire or the means to shell out $20,000 just so their friends and families can watch them have their first marital smooch and get all gluttoned up on a catered buffet and open bar....

    To the OP:  I do not have advice for you as I'm just beginning my wedding planning.  But I wanted to wish you well on your decision and your future with your mate. :)

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