
Dexie pills?

by  |  earlier

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my friends bf has ADHD and he was telling me how he sells his tablets to people.

i dont understand.

what kind of people would buy them and why.?

how much could you sell one little tablet for.?

what does it do to you.?

how many do you need for a hit or what ever.?

is it actually illegal to sell them/buy them/ take them for a reson other then medical.?

is this a popular thing to sell.?




  1. most A.D.D./A.D.H.D. medications are speed

    People looking for any drug would by them - it causes sleeplessness, along with sexual side effects that can cause guys to "last longer" or forever - those are the driving reasons listed by the police in the area that I live, not sure about your area of the world.

      'Round here, they sell for 5 - 20 dollars per pill, depending on what it is

      Not sure what it would do to someone, as I've never tried.

    Normal dose is one pill, more than that is an "overdose" and can cause any number of side effects, probably listed on the website for the drug.

      It's very illegal to sell/buy/have/take them if they aren't prescribed to you.  Not sure about the legal effects where you're at, but where I'm at, it can range from just a fine, up to jail time depending on what it is.

      It's become more popular in middle/high schools around here (grades 6 through 12) because lots of kids have them, and lots of junkie kids want them (sad I'm calling kids junkies, but really that's what they're turning themselves into)

    Hope that helps some - I'm sure others will have some input as well.

  2. most drugs prescribed for adhd are narcotics and are highly adictive...ive heard of people crushing methlyn (generic ritalin) and snorting it, or people popping open their ritalin caps and adderall caps and sniffing it...ive worked in a pharmacy since i was 17 and had many people from school come crawling to me asking to take stuff for them to sniff

  3. I think some people take them to lose weight.  I'm not sure how effective they are for that.  Selling/giving any prescription drug to another person is illegal.  As for the rest of your questions, I think the first person answered them; if he didn't I can't.  Sorry I can't be of more help.

  4. Often it's people who want to study better, or cram for longer without getting tired. Some people doing certain jobs like truck driving may use them to stay awake. Other people might take them to feel more confident, complete daily work faster or loose weight because they suppress appetite. They may also just want them to get high. ADHD medications include dexamphetamine and methamphetamine, which is what is sold on the street as speed or in the case of methamphetamine, ice or crystal meth.

    I think people may sell them for a wide range of prices since they get them cheaply as prescription.

    At small doses they cause increased alertness/awakeness. Larger doses cause disorientation, euphoria and a wide range of side effects.

    Recreational doses are far higher than the theraputic (and safe) doses which range up to 60 mg for dex sulphate.

    Amphetamines are a controlled drug so it is EXTREMELY illegal to sell them for non-medical purposes, just like selling other controlled drugs like morphine or heroin.

    I'm not sure how widespread it is, it doesn't account for the bulk of illicit amphetamines though.
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