
Did ET ever phone home?

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Did ET ever phone home?




  1. ooo, on the BT adverts, he did!

  2. Yes!  He wanted to tell them about the Reese's Pieces!

  3. ONLY in his mind. But He got home that's what's important.

  4. no, unfortunately he got a job in telephone sales and repeatedly phones me at all hours of the day putting on strange and foreign    voices pretending he can do me a great favour with wild and fantastic offers. its a shame really, i used to get mad at him but now i just tell him "i wouldn't know I'm only the burglar"

  5. yes thats how they knew to come for him

  6. He tried but caught a ride back home.

  7. Yes, he built a special machine with the help of Elliot which is why they cam e and got him at the end of the film.

  8. Probably had to reverse the charges!

  9. No he got Elliot to make a thingy divise to call home ET never did it in film but did in BT ad.

    I want a magic finger!lol

  10. Yes! In the forest on Hallow e'en.  He set up the phone (the communicator) in the clearing in the forest - using all the bits he had collected from Elliot's house (such as the Speak and Spell, an umbrella, a fork and a coat hanger).

  11. LOL! Good question - I'll look forward to hearing the answer. Have a star.x

  12. Nope, and still waiting.......................

  13. What does this have to do with Special Education?

  14. he did, and it cost me a packet !!! ;-(

  15. nope, he used up all his any-time minutes

  16. he was a psycopath, no need for a phone

  17. YES....well actually NO.. But there again YES.  NO, YES....

    He didn't use a PHONE  but he did send a message.  I suppose it was a sort of intergalactic text!

  18. he sure did.  and remember he was all white and face down in the river after?


  19. he tried too

  20. yea, that's how he was able to go home at the end.

  21. he tried but he was with orange and couldn't get a signal LOL

  22. He did, and got put on hold

  23. no

  24. et was cute.. wasn't he?

  25. He tried but his finger blew up and couldn't dial.

  26. Yea, but it was always engaged when he rang!

  27. yeah he used his finger, like a phone!

  28. yes, how do you think his family came to get him?

  29. i dont know,he might of been!

    good joke sis!

  30. No he ran out of credit on his exa-scetch. but you have to ask why they left him here in the first place.

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