
Did Edge overshine Undertaker?

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I think it was supposed to be vice-versa from what I've seen in the match, Edge overshined Undertaker throught the whole match except the ending.. What do you think?




  1. Edge certainly did outdo The Undertaker in tonight's match.

  2. for someone that has been on here a long time you dont know a lot!

    Heels always have the upperhand in matches  

  3. Yes, just like he did at WM24 and their other PPV matches.

  4. yes. taker is putting edge over while winning or losing their battles. taker knows good wrestlers when he sees them at this point in his carerr he dosent care about titles just elevating other wrestlers and edge thanks him for that backstage. taker is a great person but edgeheads refuse to see that ttaker is helping out edges carerr

  5. no undertaker won the match. after the match undertaker grab two ladders and set them up then put edge on one ladder and undertaker climb on the other ladder and than coke slam edge right througth the ring. than fire can out the whole undertaker coke slam edge.

  6. Edge did outshine Taker in this match. I think it was intentional, though, so Edge can show off that he isn't scared of the Deadman, and that we are seeing a totally different Edge.

  7. Its weired cause taker over shined edge in the tlc mach and edge over shined taker in his mach but edge lost and taker lost at the tlc mach

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