
Did God prefer Jews?

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Since it was them that witnessed Jesus. Does he love us less? Couldn't he send several sons? With the world so spread out, how are we to know about Jesus?




  1. No idea, you'll have to ask G-d.

    I just want to clarify some of the terrible answers offered here.

    1 - the Holocaust was not a 'punishment'. Are the rapes of millions of women every single year a 'punishment'?  Is Darfur a 'punishment'? Was slavery a 'punishment'?  

    To suggest that six million Jews and also millions and millions of NON Jews were slaughtered and tortured because of something *they* did, is quite simply VILE.

    Now, to clarify yet again the word 'chosen'.

    Christianity does seem to infer something different from this than Judaism does. As Jews, we know that ALL people are EQUAL. We are ALL G-d's children. Jews chose G-d, in that they accepted the covenant where all other nations declined.

    Yet some Christians keep defining 'chosen' somewhat differently. I can't speak for them, I can only tell you what Judaism says: all humans are equal!

  2. God doesn't prefer any of his people.  Even the term chosen just means chosen to follow more commandments, NOT better than.


    The Holocaust WAS NOT A PUNISHMENT OR DESERVED - any more than cancer is.  You're  uncompassionate creatins that have the nerve to say that!

  3. The jews were his Chosen People; after all He Himself was a jew.  God's messages to us before Jesus' birth were given to the jew.  How are we to know about Jesus?  What a question!  The New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles and their missals (letters) all found in the Bible.

  4. if he liked jews why was there hitler

  5. of course he loved them. thats why he let them suffer and die horrifically in world war 2.

  6. Why was there hitler?  Because the European community encouraged his madness and participated enthusiastically in the slaughter!

    God chose the Jews for a mission -- to be a light unto the nations -- not for special rewards.

    The belief that God would become human is the ultimate heresy.  The belief that God would welcome a human sacrifice is also heresy!


  7. The Jews were Gods chosen people. Christ came and witnessed to the Jews and the Gentiles. Many Jews believed and many did not. They disappointed God. The word did spread and people of all countries and backgrounds came to Christ.

  8. The Jews chose God.

  9. The Jewish God does. The Christian God loves Christians best, the God of Islam has his flock. The list is endless.

  10. What is it you want to hear.  Yes, he liked us best.  Daddy thought we were the smartest, the brightest, and the cutest too.  Is that what you want to hear?

    Hitler be damned, the Jews realized that no country but their own was safe for them.  

    We were the chosen people, not the choosing people.  We carried his word to the world.  The world chose to change it, but from us, from the Jews, came the two largest religions to follow G-d in there own way.  

    It has been estimated that 10 percent of the Roman population at the time of the birth of Jesus was Jewish.  Had Paul not changed the rules of the game, Judaism was on the way to becoming the top religion.  

    Then, once the Christians had the numbers, it was walled cities and section and expulsions and forced conversion and just killing.  Lots and lots of killing.  

    If not for the battle of Tours, Christians today would be on mats bowing to Mecca.  Still, the Jews would have survived and still had those side long glances at them, us, me.  JEW!

    We were chosen and the job is not yet over.  We continue.

  11. Judah was one tribe of Israel out of 12.  They were given the oracles (the words of God).  Some of them did well.  Some of them did badly.  The history of Israel, including the tribe of Judah, the Jews, are an example to us, showing how they goofed up in their relationship with the Creator.  However, they and us will be reconciled if we repent.  
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