
Did I Get My Pregnancy Wish?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I had my period July 29, my birthday. I had s*x August 8 and 9. Each time we were done I would lay flat on my back. Today is the 24 day into my cycle. I have been using the bathroom frequently, mild headaches, and cramps. I was wondering if there might be a slight chance. Any ideas or opinions welcome.




  1. You could be! If July 29th was the first day of your period, you should expect you next one on the 25,26 or 27th...somewhere in there. If you are really trying, make sure you have s*x every other day, and you should expect to ovulate about 14 days after your period starts, but not always. You can check for ovulation by checking your temperature, it gets higher at that time. Also, feeling for an open, soft cervix and clear, stringy discharge.

  2. There's a chance I guess - it's impossible to say just by juding from your symoptoms. It could be early PMS symoms as well. It doesn't look like you can test until next week. That's the only way you will know.

  3. it might just be pms, but maybe you're pregnant!!

  4. its very possible that you could be pregnant but it probably wont show up on a hpt for another week it usually takes 3weeks from date of conception or 1 weeks after missed period. Good Luck i hope you get your wish

  5. I don't think so but if you are Congrats; otherwise, just keep wishing

    Prayer may help ;~) Children are gifts from God  

  6. maybe! wait til u miss your period then take a test before you get too excited!

  7. Could be or could be PMS, but keep up the positive thinking and you should know in a few more days!!! Run to the store and get a HPT so you'll be ready and also grab some prenatal vitamins. Having extra folic acid could help your chances next time if it didn't work this time! Good luck and if it didn't happen, don't worry... Just means you get to enjoy trying again!!  

  8. Maybe but keep praying and take a test if and when you miss your period. But remember you can still get your period and be prego so even if you get your period when it finishes take a test anyways.

  9. usually your most likely to get pregnant around the 14th and 16th days of your cycle. since thats only 11 and 12 days it may not be pregnancy, but every woman is different. wait until you miss your period then start thinking, and take a test =] ive been having headaches and cramps too, im wondering if im pregnant but from asking alot of questions and research that info i gave you is true. good luck !

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