
Did I overdose on.. tylenol?

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I just swallowed an extra two (i forgot i had already taken 2) tablets of this Tylenol allergy medicine..

According to the box & considering that I swallowed 4 tablets, I consumed:

1300mg - acetaminophen

100mg - diphenhydramine HCI

20mg - phenlephrine HCI

Anyone know? D:




  1. You took a daily maximum dose at once. Drink lots of fluids and if you feel uncomfortable or dizzy go to ER immediately.

  2. You can actually handle up to about 4 grams of Tylenol a day as long as your liver function is normal.  You're probably buzzing a little from the phenylephrine, but even that is a dose that you might take in other circumstances.

    Tylenol *can* be toxic in much larger doses, or in patients who have significant liver dysfunction to start with.  Occassionally, people will attempt suicide by Tylenol by taking massive amounts.  It sometimes works, but it's a really horrifying way to die.  First they get sick, then they get better, and then they start to go into liver failure after that.  I wouldn't wish liver failure on an enemy!

    The biggest threat isn't people who overdose on Tylenol at one administration.  Instead, it's the fact that tons of over-the-counter (OTC) medications have Tylenol or aspirin or even ibuprofen mixed in.  These medications are called non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).  It can actually be quite difficult to get an accurate assessment of how much of these types of medications an individual is consuming if they are using lots of different kinds of OTC meds.  They can meet or exceed maximum dosing many days out of the week if they're not careful.  Also, there is a cumulative effect on the liver which is difficult to detect until real damage is done.

    NSAIDs are real medicine.  They have excellent effects when used appropriately and they have side effects too.  

    Try not to take these meds too lightly, just because you can get them without a prescription.

  3. 1300mg acetaminophen:  shouldn't be a problem, but don't take any more for several hours.  Max single dose is generally 1000mg, max daily dose is 4000mg.

    100mg diphenhydramine:  okay, you're probably not reading this, because I'm sure you're napping by now.  Shouldn't be a problem.  On the plus side, you won't be sneezing for awhile.

    20mg phenylephrine:  Should be okay.  Just don't take any more for awhile.  Might get a little jittery (after you wake up from your diphenhydramine nap), but no major concerns.

    Just be more careful in the future.

  4. i would call your doctor or the er my 79 year old grandfather takes 4 but they are not tylenol allergy

  5. Tylenol is a popular North American brand of drugs for relieving pain, reducing fever, and relieving the symptoms of allergies, cold, cough, and flu. The active ingredient of its original, flagship product, acetaminophen (called "paracetamol" outside of North America), is marketed for headaches, fever, muscle and body pain, arthritis, and joint pain. Like the words "acetaminophen" and "paracetamol", the brand name is derived from the chemical name for the compound, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol


    Overdose of acetaminophen is serious and can be fatal from liver toxicity, killing about 12% of those who seek treatment due to the delayed effects.Often the patient may not even experience symptoms for up to 24-48 hours. Typical symptoms after this period range from nausea, malaise to extreme upper abdominal pain in the region of the liver. In heavy drinkers, regular use of acetaminophen increases liver damage from alcohol.

    please call your doctor

  6. You should be okay, but just call your doctor and ask if that you're gonna be fine.

    They won't mind :)

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