
Did I ruin the pregnancy test?

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I might be pregnant but I dont have sore b***s... my period is nearly 2 weeks late and I am usually bang on time...I have other symptoms..peeing inthe midle of the night, over emotional and faint and hot...but my bobs seem the same as ever...I got a negative test result today...but I got a bit of a splash on the window...does that mean the results were affected?




  1. No, sore b***s are just one of the many symptoms. It doesn't sound like you're pregnant if the test said negative, but if you want to be sure take another one, or go to your doctor for concrete proof. You may as well, as even if you're not pregnant, you could find out why your period is late. Hope I helped.

  2. I've splashed on the wrong part of the test loads of time and it's never been a problem. Use a cup of pee next time!

  3. I doubt a splash on the window woould affect the result but i would suggest doing another test. There could be other reasons for your period being late. But it may just be a bit soon for the test to give an accurate result.

  4. My b***s didnt start hurting until I was about 3 months or even more. They dotn hurt right away and this is one of the worst signs to tell if you are pregnant. I would get another test an take it in the A.M. right when you wake up, and before you have drank anything! Yes, the test may have been effected.. GOOD LUCK!

  5. i would go to the gyno or hospital or even your PCP. they can take blood or urine and tell you instantly if your pregnant or not.

  6. No everyone is different when it comes to pregnancy symptoms.  Most pregnancy tests have a splash guard over the window.  Did you check to see if yours did?  If not I would go ahead and test again.  If you are that late you should have a BFP by now.  If it is negative I would say that you probably didn't ovulate this cycle and some of your side effects are from lack of progestrone in your body.  A lot of those (not the peeing) sound like they could be either.  Test again, and if neg make an appt with your doc if you are trying to get pg.  Good luck

  7. I would visit a doctor because if you are two weeks late and have a negative pregnancy test, you may have an infection or the hCG levels in your body might not be high enough for a home pregnancy test and a blood test at a Dr. office would be much more accurate.

    I had sore b***s on and off, but not until about 7 weeks, also urinating frequently, hot flashes and dizziness were some of my first symptoms.

  8. symptoms vary from woman to woman. some women suffer period type cramping, some suffer sickness and others don't. some get sore b***s others don't.  i doubt you have ruined the results. try again in a few days, there may not have been enough hormone levels in your urine. for an accurate result do it first thing in the morning. my sister was 4 mths and had to have a scan to confirm her pregnancy, every test from 6weeks showed negative.  

  9. Not sure that this will help you - but i never noticed a difference in my b***s at all until the last trimester, so every pregnancy is different, as is every body, so will react differently.

    If you're nearly 2 weeks late it may worth taking another test in a few days, as the pregnancy test reads the amount of HGC  hormone in your system, so it's possible to get a false negative. Although getting a splash on the window won't make a difference!!!

    Hope this helps a little and good luck! x*x

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