About a year ago, I was riding in the car and I saw something up in the sky ahead. I didnt think much of it, until we drove right under its position. It was moving at an angle to the road, and we ended up being right underneath it. We pulled over into a nearby parking lot to look at it. We got out of the car to look at it, and noticed that there was another driver doing the same thing. It flew by, and we went home.
Description of UFO: It was triangular in shape. We only saw the bottom of it. It was grey, and seemed to be flying fairly low. But it was moving very slow, so we came to the conclusion that it was really high, but just looked low. This means that it wouldev had to have been HUGE. It was really loud, making a strong hum as it flew by. For a while we thought it was one of those stealth planes that are shaped like a triangle, but after asking an Air Force officer, he said there is no way it would fly so low as to allow everyone on ground to see it. What did I see?