
Did I totally s***w this up?

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So I am attempting to cook a roast in the oven. My very first time, and I'm not that great of a cook. So i found a recipe on the internet and I followed it exactly, except I forgot to cover it... =/ oops! It is a 2 pound roast and it was in the oven (325 degrees) for an hour before I noticed ( I was preoccupied with other things). As soon as I realized what I did I covered it, but now I am worried that I have messed this one up to. Is there still hope? Could it still turn out okay?




  1. it cuold be ok but like the other ppl said you shud baste it  

  2. yes.  Just baste it and it should be OK  (Many people - myself included - never cover most roasts but just keep turning it and basting it every 20 minutes or so).

  3.   It will be OK! Might be a little more brown on the top,but it will be OK

    and still have a good flavor!

  4. it should turn out fine, but you will want to baste it to get some of that lost moisture back inside it.  so, get some beef broth, and pour it over the roast, let it cook for a little bit, then baste it with the broth that in the bottom of the roasting pan, and do that every 15 minutes or so until it's done.  that's just a precautionary step, but some people like a crispy "crust" on their roasts, so it should be fine.  

  5. It's fine.... In fact, it probably said to UNcover it towards the ending of the cooking time.  You cover it to evenly cook it throughout, then uncover it to brown up the outside.  You just did it backwards - no big deal:)   ...  I'm sure you have bigger s***w-ups to look forward to in the future!  We've all done some doozies!.....

  6. what kind (cut of meat) is the roast?

    2 pounds is kind of small so it should be close to being done.

    I don't think it's ruined and should turn out fine.  

    The temperature is relatively low for roasting (I usually use 350 to 375F) and it's only been an hour.  It's really difficult to ruin a roast unless you overcook it and that still takes some doing.

    Depending upon the type of roast, it may be a little tough, but that's not due to cooking.  It's due to the cut of beef.

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