
Did anybody notice????

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Did anybody notice how sean hannity (hateity) did nit give obama's speach any love. but gave mccainn's pick a lot.




  1. Its called HATERISM..and yes ladies and gents this word will be added to Webster..

  2. Well that happens.

  3. Yeah, so?? It's not like he is an Obama supporter.

  4. That would require watching Fox "News", I just can't subject myself to that.

  5. Shocking, just shocking!

    What WILL he think of next?!?

    Did I mention how shocking this is? Just shocking!!!

  6. Sorry I didn't hear anything in it to love, all I heard was a black man saying he wanted to be the first black president and then we could have our country back whatever condition he left it in or is there something wrong with my good ole boy hearing?

  7. Why would he?  He's a conservative commentator.  He has not had much good to say about Biden for years.  Did you hear anybody on the left say anything good about Palin?  Heck, even MSNBC put the comment "How many homes does Palin add to the ticket" under a heading of "Breaking News".  

  8. Oh no I did not notice that he was loud mouth Conservative douchebag.

    I've seen even Conservatives turned off by this prick. He's such an embarassment to America

  9. so,just watch cnn,it is like a non ending campaign commercial for obama.or any of the other networks for that matter!
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