
Did feminist cultures ever exist?

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What I mean is, most (if not all) cultures were "ruled" by men and nurtured by women. Making them male dominated cultures and repressed women cultures. To my knowledge every culture has been like this, but I wonder if there were cultures where the women dominated and the men were repressed? Although, it's funny, because you can sort of see that is where the world is going now. Anyone




  1. Many native American cultures are matrilineal, and revere women, without oppressing men.  They have male and female deities.  Most non- Abrahamic traditions have goddess figures and value the female aspect of life.

    The culture that built Stonehenge in England, that pre-dates the Celts was called the Tuatha of Danaen, or the people of Dana an all-powerful goddess.  They were a great and peaceful civilization that existed for many thousands of years and created many of the standing stone edifices that you see in Ireland.  The war-like, male dominated Celts conquered them but they live on in mythology and in the spirit world, accd. to Irish tradition.  .  

  2. I believe your mean matriarchal society. There was a big movement back in the 90's that believed most pre-historic societies were ran by women. However most historians now believe that is not true. I also think the west is heading towards a matriarchy. Which may not be a bad thing

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