
Did i eat to much today?HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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i think that i am fat.i am 13 and i weigh 110 pounds. i am about 5''s wat i ate today.P.S.i do not usually eat wat i ate for dinner.

breakfast:3 and a half pancakes

lunch:rice and milk and a few green beans

snack:laffy taffys

dinner:hamburger and fries+ milkshake

snack:gram crackers




  1. youre a good weight so i wouldnt worry about it

  2. Why is this in vegetarian and vegan? this is our turf go back to your own blood soaked h**l hole meat eater.


  3. According to your weight and height, you're consider healthy and should have a good BMI.  I don't think you're fat at all.  Once in a while it is okay to have 3-1/2 pancakes; however, for lunch, I would add some protein like chicken, fish, or even tofu.  What you had for dinner sounds fine too.  I probably wouldn't eat hamburger, fries and milkshake everyday, but once or twice a week should be just fine.

  4. You were wrong. Your are not 'overweight'!

    Please keep in mind that being at a healthy weight doesn't mean that you are healthy, especially if you do not eat well, do not exercise, or have symptoms of an eating disorder.

  5. i think you worry too much bout what you eat. you are only 13 you shouldnt worry bout stuff like that. your body needs food in order to grow and become mature, etc. so dont worry just excersise a little and its totally fine. guys dont like really skinny girls me! :)

  6. I wish I ate as little as you did!  Although the burger, milkshake, fries, and laffy taffys arn't all that healthy for you, it's all about portion control.

    Pancakes arn't all that bad - I actually have them quite often but limit what I put on them (ex butter, not too much syrup).  But it all depends on what size the pancakes are as well.

      Your lunch was very healthy and incorporated different food groups - congrats!  Your snack, well, is junk food - which is perfectly okay just as long as you limit how much of it you have.  If your plan is to eat healthier, try to have a bowl of cereal, or an apple with peanut butter instead of the sweets - but a couple of sweets won't kill you hunny.  I love burgers, but they arn;t the best thing for you.  Maybe have 1/2 of a burger and subsitute the fries for a bakes potato with veggies on the side.  The milkshake has dairy in it, but it is considered "junk" food.  As long as you limit how much you have of it, it's perfectly fine.  Try a fruit smoothie instead of a milkshake.  Gram crackers are a nice snack - certinly better thank cookies or brownies!  Like I said before, it;'s not necessarily how many things you ate, but how MUCH you ate of each item.

    Not to sound like your parents, but your at a age where your matabolism is faster than someone at, say 30 years old.  It is scaring me a little that you were freaking out about what you ate today - and you didn;t even pig out and go nuts!  At 110lbs, you are a very small girl, so if you are worried about gaining weight, stop it.

  7. Your height and weight are in the right range for a girl of your age. It would be a good idea to vary your diet a bit more. It seems somewhat heavy on starch and short on vegetables and fruit.

    Try eating a salad with your hamburger instead of fries. Have some orange juice or fruit for breakfast. And more milk wouldn't hurt - how about some granola with milk and strawberries for breakfast?

    Finally, the only protein you appear to have eaten was the burger and milkshake at dinnertime. Some cheese or eggs or luncheon meat at another meal wouldn't hurt a bit.

  8. chancesare you had mcdonaldsfor dinner. that is unhealthy.

    but other than that you are an idiot for

    1. worry about weight at age 13

    2. thinking you are overweight. You fit into the normal weight range for your height. and actually toward the lower end.

    but drinking 8 cups of water is healthy for you and help maintain a good weight.

  9. If your stomach is already full you have eaten much for one day meal.

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