
Did i have an asthma attack?

by  |  earlier

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apparently ive had asthma forever and i never knew till like two years ago.

well anyway i just asked a question what an attack feels like and i think i had one yesterday. i felt a tightness like right below my ribcage. i didnt have my inhaler on me cause i never really need it. well it lasted for like 2 hours then the tightness started to die down. i was getting kinda nervous about it. hehe




  1. I can't caution you enough that you shouldn't take chances with your breathing.  ALWAYS keep your inhaler with you at ALL times.  Just because you feel good doesn't mean that your asthma won't flare up.  Asthma can and does KILL.  So many people think that because they go for long stretches of time without difficulties they need to worry.  But they do.  Its when you least expect it that the asthma will act up and strike.  I'm really worried that you had an attack and didn't seek treatment.  If your not breathing nothing else works, your dead!!!!!  You should be nervous because you were in serious danger to die!  

  2. Yeah you should be careful with that, you can seriously pass out and die, if you cant breath you well go into a coma, and with asthma you should always be prepared even if you think it well not happen, well yeah just some info hope it helps some =]

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