
Did u all see the Trini?

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Mother in MD who was accused of starving her son to death??

What's ur opinion on that?? Do you think she's solely responsible or she was brainwashed?

In my opinion, they all need life in prison without parole..




  1. Jail with hard labour, cat-o-nine and no food....that still TOO GOOD for them kinda mad people it have out here yes...ah mean, oh gosh man, yuh spraying the suitcase with Lysol for ah whole year?!! God help us yes!

  2. It's a sad facts when children seriously suffer beyond words. I hope Manning knows that his new house or his million dollar jet or what ever the hec new he building is being built with the blood of the nations children.

    Everyone who knew what was going on but did nothing deserves jail time. This baby is gone but his mother and the rest of them will live..

    "The world is a dangerous place, Not because of those who do evil but because of those who sit back and do nothing"

    ~Albert Einstein ~

    How much more must die before change comes?

  3. yuh know tings real bad when people stop thinking for themselves. She must take blame for wha she do. Ah mean how yuh could let odder people tell yuh that yuh chile is ah demon and yuh have to starve him.

    People does always look for ah bail out clause when dey get catch. How come she eh brainwashed enough NOT to point out de others involved ? Sick set ah people out dey.... and dey have others following dem.

    Yuh see people looking to man, not God for salvation. Pastor is de light, wha ever he say goes. Dat goin on rite here in T&T, blind sheep being led by de butcher.

    Allyuh jes have to watch lil closer and really listen to wha dey not saying....doh say yuh was never warned eh.

    i done talk

  4. As a mother myself I cannot understand how someone can treat their child this way. It really is unthinkable.

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