
Did you ever hate yourself? When?

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Did you ever hate yourself? When?




  1. yup, for a long time i still do sometimes

  2. Not that I can think of?  I think about diving off something really high from time to time, but I can't say I have ever hated myself.  

  3. I  have  lots of  reasons   not  too!!!!....

    but  yes.. i  did!!.....before... March 17th 2007!!

  4. when i look in the mirror

  5. YES! lol pretty much every time I s***w up at anything. I'm super super critical of myself

  6. Raise my voice at kidz ........i know it means i lost control  

  7. when I don't accomplish simple yes

  8. i've always hated the negative side to me. i try very hard to be consumed by the positive.

  9. Many times. And let me assure you, its TOTALLY normal! If you're feeling this way, remember, you're not the only one!

    I hate myself alot when I think about all the stupid stuff I did in my previous relationship. Eventually I lost him, and it was all because of my own stupidity.

  10. yh loads of times, i wont call it hate myself but hate what i become (just for that moment haha) but it only lasts like a few mins. I love myself because no one else will!

  11. Yeah I did last school year when I got 5 iss' and punched a girl in the face

  12. Yes i have. Lots of times in fact.  Started when I was 10.. Even though you should love youself, It's hard sometimes...

  13. More or less.

  14. I once thought I was going to have to chew my arm off, but instead I said you might not see me again because I had a terminal disease and may not live much longer.

  15. yep when i say something stupid out loud and then trying to cover it up by saying more crazy stupid stuff,,,,aaarrrgg

  16. I only hate myself when I am told to put clothing on.  

  17. I hate myself all the time

  18. Uhhh....I still do hate myself.  

  19. Yeah, there was a time when I let some stupid guy control my life... Never again

  20. Never, what for

  21. Pretty much everyday, thanks for asking.

  22. i never hate myself, i try and make good decisions so that i don't feel that way.

  23. Yeah very often but i know why i and i want to stop what makes me do it but it is hard. i act like everything ok but i still feel low sometimes  

  24. I did hate myself a lot sometimes, and I still do (sometimes). It's when I hurt someone's feelings, my feelings are hurt, if I do something stupid, if I feel guilty..

  25. Only when I lock myself out of my apartment or car.

  26. When I make Terrible Mistakes I do.

  27. yup all the time :0(

  28. Yes I use to but I am trying my hardest not to anymore!

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