
Did you ever love someone ....?

by  |  earlier

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with such passion you bled for them ???




  1. I know what you need;...

  2. The only person worth my tears is the one who would never make me cry ...... Learned that the hard way, & bled like h**l !

  3. Not literally bled for them... but I think I would have if they would have asked me to. Now, I am glad he married someone else! My husband of 33 years is the best~ but we started out as friends only, not lovers, so maybe it is better that way.

  4. a couple of seconds ago

  5. yes I did, that is why I don't believe in love anymore

  6. No not that much.  But it is painful to be rejected.

    Angelo........where are you bleeding?

  7. In my limited experience  the only way to ease the pain is to take your eyes & focus off yourself & place it on another ....

    C'mon big  guy....

    Hey & don't listen to the old girl above me ....she's taken !

  8. No, but now I heard too much bullshit, my ears started to bleed.

  9. wow!

    you seem very heart broken.

    ya haram...

    here is a smile = )

  10. Many timesssss LOL

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