
Did you hear about that cop..?

by  |  earlier

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The one that pulled over a speeding vehicle as it was racing to the vet because it was choking? He told them it was just a dog, and they could get another one. He made them wait 20 minutes while he wrote the ticket, and the poor dog died! It's all on video.

How can people be so cruel?




  1. I will say in his defense, a speeding vehicle can get into a car accident and then more than a dog will die/get hurt.  he was doing his job worrying about public safety, he was an a hole b/c he didn't get his lights on and have the owner follow him or drive the dog to the vet.  that was the bad part.

    People, it is tragic that the dog died, it really is.  But what if while in a rush (speeding) to get to the vet, he sideswipes a school bus full of kids, or hits a single parent.  I know it is a bad thing to say, but better to lose one life than to potentially lose multiple lives.

    As a side note, did anyone hear the dog was a teacup?

  2. poor dog

  3. How cruel! I would sue the cop!

  4. Yes i have actually

    its very very sad how people, especially cops can be so idiotic.

    if i was the famiy id sue.

    whats the link for the video?

  5. Speeding is illegal and the cop was just doing his job, however he took it a bit too far in telling the family that it was just a dog. the department should reprimand him for that. Does anyone know where this happened?

  6. wow. where can i watch the video? that's so mean and wrong

  7. if you want to see the video this is it

    hope i helped that was so cruel of the police he shouldnt even deserve for us to call him a police

  8. oh my gosh! if i was the police man i would have let the guy go. i would have given the car a police escort. where can i find the video?

  9. woww! some people are so stupid!

    i would have kept going to save my dog!

  10. Yes, it's pretty disgusting.  That cop could have easily found out the situation, followed them to the vet, and then wrote them a ticket.  He took 20 minutes to write that ticket, it was like he was intentionally taking longer than necessary.  The guy apologized on the news and said he knew he was going too fast, but the cop completely handled this wrong.

  11. I haven't heard this yet, but wow. People these days don't even care, if it was their family member, they would do the same dang thing. =/ We need a serious wake up call. I think this cop should be fired... animal rights?! hello...

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