
Did you improve on the SAT?

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im studying this summer and i am using the official sat study guide. Is that a good idea

i hope to improve because i scored horrible on my last sat.





  2. Go to a website called  It provides automatic feedback to let you know how much progress you are making.  You can access the website 24/7.  It shows which ares you need to study most.  The coaches give advice on what you should do next to improve low results.  My standardized scores greatly improved by studying on this site.

  3. I improved the second time a lot actually without doing much of anything. I think the 1st time was just a bad testing day for me and I think a lot of people don't test well the first time on the SAT and get discouraged and overstudy for the 2nd one and end up stressing themselves out and not doing as well as they could if they had just relaxed. My honest advice is to remember that you know how to do everything on the test, look at your score report from the last time and practice the areas you did poorly on or the ones you think you can improve a lot. If you think you can improve your math a lot I suggest doing that because in my opinion it's the only area that you can really improve drastically by studying, reading and writing are skills you know and it's hard to improve them in such a short period of time.

  4. The first time I took the SAT test I got around 1700 on my first go around. I took a course with Kaplan for 899 bucks. It was worthless and was total c**p. Don't pay for any classes! I found a guide off this unknown site called I used their review book, which cost me 10 bucks. Their book is extremely well written and covers all topics you need to know. In addition, I also used the Princeton Review's book to help me out. I went up to a 2300 by using both books. I would highly recommend them. The key to doing well on the SAT is practice. You must practice and keep on practicing until you have encountered all the types of questions on the test. Once you do this you will be able to ace the test.

    The tutorfox guide can be found


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