
Did you like HIGH SCHOOL????

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today was my first day

so far i hated it

is it really as bad as it seems?

did you like high school?




  1. I hated it!  

  2. High school is ok, but last year was better when I was a freshman. Now I'm in a new high school and hopefully I'll get use to it

  3. It'll go by quick....even though some times it feels so long... I remember my first day, in 1997, I didn't like it and thought it'd never end...but it does...  you make the best of it.  

  4. I hated high school. I mean, seeing my friends was great and everything, but I hated school. Everything about it. Getting up early, being tired all day, coming home after a long day and sports, and then have to rush to work. I always had headaches too! So glad it's over.

    But, it's not as bad as it lookss in the movies. It's as good as you make it. I did a lot of things in high school...probably more than I could keep up with, and I kind of made myself hate it, you know? It won't be horrible, but it's not going to be's just school.

  5. i had a severe headache on the second day...

    (thats today)

  6. You will hate the first day, but sooner or later you will learn to accept it and love it. A lot more responsibility, and more freedoms than middle school for sure.

  7. I can't remember if I liked my first day or not...

    I started High School in 2006, not sure if your school is the same but we start at year 8, now I'm in year 10.

    I guess what it depends on is, the teachers, the grounds, the students, the subjects offered ect, on whether you like it or not.

    I'm loving high school, don't worry it will get better. You're whole grade is probably feeling the way you do right now. Its especially hard if none of your friends went to your high school, if thats you, don't worry you'll make friends fast.

    What is it thats bothering you? Just all the change or?

    All teachers are different, you'll get some great and some absolutely horrific teachers in the future. Are the subjects limited? If so, you should complain to the Principle. At my school what I can think of from the top of my head on what we supply is... Wood works, Drama, Art, English, Math, Science, Sose, Ancient and Modern History, Marine Studies, Hospitality, Focus on Food, Farm Focus, Agriculture, Home Ec, Animal Studies, Volly Ball, Basket Ball, Touch Footy, PE, Physics, Economics, Technical studies, Geography, Dance, Graphics, Metals and Motors, Music, Robotics, thats all I can think of...

    Trust me it does get better, and you'll love that theres a lot more freedom and responsibility at high school.

    Sure the assignments sometimes pile up, but you'll get used to doing assignments. I was so scared of going to high school, I remember I would see algebra on math boards and was like OMG THERES LETTERS NOW IN MATH!?? Its so easy though. I thought also that it was all going to be so hard, but the first two years is really easy.

    You can send me an email if you have any questions.

    PS. Love your avatar <3

  8. Yes I did like high school. At first I hated it but you will love it!

  9. I loved high school. It was a happy good place for pretty much everyone there. Yeah, I know I was lucky and my school was really great. The other students and teachers were great too.  

  10. I hate high school.  

  11. I'm not in high school yet still in middle school 8th grade

  12. I don't go to high school, i go to eighth grade, the year right before high school. I heard bad things about high school though...

  13. today was my first day of my senior year.

    so right about now i am loving it.

    i can't wait to graduate.

    listen, hate it all you want but please don't be stupid and goof off like i did my first two years. i am in alot of sophmore and junior classes now. and i am a senior, so i feel like c**p.

    goodluck with school and make the best of it, it goes by extremely quick.


  14. It's boring. The dress code is the same as middle school, so freaking strict. Then we have to wear these stupid ID's around our neck. And all my classes are boring.....and NO CUTE GUYS!

    I hate it so far, there's no drama or anything, but it's just lame. On the bright side, everyone thinks I'm a junior, lmao, and we get to play more volleyball.

    Basically it's like middle school, except way more homework, at least that's how it is here.

  15. this was my second day. it wasn't that bad. knew a lot of the people there

  16. you will hate the 1st day. but it gets better. i hate school too teachers either yell or whisper and kids run out of school. LOL but it gets better xoxo

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