
Did you work while being pregnant?

by Guest32670  |  earlier

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I would like to know if alot of women worked while being pregnant...

Did you work while being pregnant?

How long did you work before you went on maturnity leave?

When did you tell your boss and co-workers you were expecting(what month of pregnancy) ?

What was your bosses reaction?(was he/she angry.upset...happy...fair)

Is this somehting you would recommend to other women(working while pregnant)?

What occupation are you in?

is it true that if you were working at a job for 2 months and found out you were 5 months wouldnt be able to take maturnity leave due to not being at the job long enough to take leave?

inquiring minds want to know




  1. i intend on working for as long as i can.  

  2. I worked 12-14 hour days until I was 18 weeks along and then worked 8 hours, but my son ended up being born almost 3 months early (I was actually in labor all day at work and didn't realize because it was back labor). You have to work at least 12 months for a company that has a certain number of employees in order to to get maternity leave.  

  3. with my 1 st I worked 45 hours a week up until the day I had her.  Now with this one I've been off work since I was 22 weeks.  everyone and every time differs. maternity leaves depends on your job and insurance.  Check your handbook.  most full-time jobs with benefits don't even start till your 7th month of work

  4. yes, I worked while I was pregnant. I was in my job for 5 months when i discovered that I was pregnant.  I worked until i was 8 months pregnant. My doctor actually pulled me out of my job because it was causing me  A LOT o stress and it was not helping my 'complicated pregnancy'

    I found out I was pregnant on a Saturday and told my boss first thing Monday morning. She was very excited and congratulated me.

    My recommendation to every working pregnant women is to take it easy while pregnant. Know your limitations and listen to your body. Your body will always give you a sign when it's time to take a break or call it a day.

    I worked in social service field. I was a Case Manager for a Domestic Violence agency. As you can imagine, it was definitely a stressful job.

  5. Yes, I worked while pregnant but I was in an office at a desk all day, and eventually worked from home.  I am an editor.  

    I stopped working on my due date, but had planned to stop if I went into labor early.  I told my boss I was pregnant when my morning sickness and fatigue started to affect my work, probably about 10 weeks.  He was very happy for me.

    I would recommend working while pregnant ONLY if you have a very low-key job that's not very physical or stressful.  The terms of your leave depend on the company's policies, but your job is required to give you some time off without repercussions.  You should check the web site for your state's government to find out what is required in your state.

  6. I'm still working while pregnant- I'm 28 weeks, and my maternity leave is booked from 36 weeks. My doctor just told me that most people go on leave from 32-34 weeks, though- I had no idea. I just thought you were supposed to work up to the latest date you could. LOL. I might go earlier, you never know.

    I told my closest colleague and my supervisor when I was only 6 weeks pregnant- we were going away on a conference, sharing a room, and I didn't want to have to lie all the time if I needed to barf (which I didn't) or get up all night to pee (which I definitely did). I told the CEO and manager of the company at 9 weeks (and as a result they managed to introduce a new paid maternity leave benefit before I signed my new contract at 15 weeks). I told everyone else at 13 weeks.

    I totally recommend working on- being pregnant has had no effect on me whatsoever. I just had two weeks off and I was bored stiff, so I can't imagine nine months plus. I'm a regional manager for an environment group, and I've been able to limit my work to being in the office for the last 7 months- I've only had to fly off to meetings about four times (versus the usual 12 or so) and I've had to drive a few hundred miles about three times (but my colleagues have all been really helpful about it). My bosses have been so good- sometimes I think they're more excited than me. LOL. They all have young kids and support flexible work arrangements (including work from home). If I need a nap, I can just go home. If I want to go to yoga (I do every Tuesday) I just leave and come back later.

    Pretty sure you wouldn't be able to take maternity leave in the situation you describe. Depends on where you are in the world, but you usually have to have been working there for a year before you have the baby. I guess you might just squeeze in.

  7. Im almost 4 months and I still haven't told my boss yet. The reason being is because I was pregnant before and told them and a week later I miscarried at around this time, even though my chances of miscarriage were extremely low. I know that telling them was not the reason whey I miscarriaged, but I want to wait till im about 18-20wks to tell them because I will feel more secure in the fact I will probably carry this one to full term. There is a girl that works here that is over due for her baby and she is going to work until she has it. She is still coming to work everyday. When I told my bosses last time they were cool with it, but upper manangement( my boss above my direct supervisor is a sexsist pig), he was nice to me about it, but he went and told everyone and blabbed his mouth. wasn't very professional about it. I do security that involves working 12hr shifts that rotate from days to nights every week. I usually sit all the time and don't have to do anything strenuous. The most is climbing stairs or walking for a patrol. And the thing about maternity leave, when you do tell your boss, you need to ask him about that. You may not be able to take your full 12weeks of FMLA since you wouldn't have been there a year, but they may be able to work something out like 6wks off. But its up to your boss and he will know more about that than someone that doens't work there does. Its safe to work while you are pregnant as long as you don't have any medical concerns that would prevent you from it or your doctor would recomend you to quit working for. Infact a baby is expensive and that income will be well needed. If you feel that you are discrimminated against in the work place because of pregnancy. Say that you feel they fire you because of it, demote you, your cut your wages, then there is a number you can call and turn them in for that. And most employers know its against the law to discriminate against a pregnant women and are very careful not to. But if you are the one pregnant, then congrats on the little one.  

  8. I'm going to work until I cant anymore my boss was happy for me not all ppl have the luxury of not working cuz there pg I think its a crock any way you can do everything (mostly ) you did before  

  9. IDK about maternity leave. I think I was fired because I was preggo and they made up something about me having 4 tardies in a 5mo period. I was put on bedrest in my 5th month so I wasnt able to do anything :-(

    Wish I could have but Im preggo with twins with a short cervix!

  10. I had to tell my coworkers at the retail store I worked with at 8 1/2 weeks when I had to take time off for bleeding. They had to keep my job or one similar when I came back since I had done my 3 mos probationary period. Countries, states and provinces have different laws for this. After two months of bed rest I went back for 3 1/2 weeks on light duty(no lifting). My bosses were very supportive and made sure I didn't overwork myself. We moved shortly after and that was the last time I have worked outside of the home. That was 8yrs ago this month actually, my daughter was born Jan 1 and this baby is due Jan 14.

    I like not having to work while pregnant. I am far too sick and tend to overdo it a lot. I do think if you can work to do so! Why not? Now if you don't need to, be thankful!

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