
Diesel engine?

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What do i need to do to run my car on cooking oil or rape seed oil




  1. Generally an in-line type fuel filter to pre-filter the fuel before it enters the normal fuel filter. If possible (and if not there already) change the standard fuel filter head for one that carries engine coolant (a heated filter head) and then use rape seed oil because it doesn't freeze or add additives.

    Mix with normal diesel and do not even try ANY of this if your car/van is newer than 2002/2003; this is only for older cars.

    Otto Diesel designed this engine to run on pretty much anything so the ENGINE has no problem running on more or less anything that will burn. What we now call diesel became standard because at the time it was the cheapest fuel that could be found (as a bi-product, it still is really, it's just that as normal it is taxed to the hilt). It was originally designed with the intention of mobilising the third world!

    Modern diesels have all manner of things bolted to them that DO NOT like alternative fuels, so this is DIY ONLY for your older cars and vans (that don't have that junk).

    Try finding a local supplier of bio-diesel, they will supply a vegetable based recycled diesel that is a very similar consistency to normal diesel and they will also generally advise you about the subject.

    If you do go the home brew route you will need to check with customs and excise, but I think you are allowed to make up-to 50 Ltrs a week with out being taxed......but check!

    Good luck.

  2. Unless your cars diesel engine is one of the old slow revving long stroke sloggers - your head examined!

  3. your engine wont last very long if you do run it on other oils

  4. 50/50 mix will work ok, only problem we have found is that the fuel gauge is not accurate when the vehicle is cold, also you must change your filters more often than normal

  5. run 50/50 mix

  6. Just start introducing the cooking oil a litre at a time with the diesel. Eventually you will be able to run it purely on cooking oil but if you have a diesel injection it will clog up the injectors so it is not advised.  It needs to be pure cooking oil. During the winter months you will need to have diesel 60% to 40% oil or you will have trouble starting it as the oil takes longer to heat up.

  7. Veg oil is now as expensive as diesel, unless you use old oil.

    Problems can also be caused to pump seals etc.  You may also find your mpg decreases when using veg oil making it even more expensive.
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