
Difference between before and after marriage........!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Before the marriage:

He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.

She: Do you want me to leave?

He: NO! Don't even think about it.

She: Do you love me?

He: Of course!

She: Have you ever cheated on me?

He: NO! Why you even asking?

She: Will you kiss me?

He: Yes!

She: Will you hit me?

He: No way! I'm not such kind of person!

She: Can I trust you?

Now after the marriage you can read it from bottom to the top !!!!

hows it...????




  1. That was cool haha  

  2. Boring

  3. LOL nice 1 hehehe

  4. haha sad but true, funny nonetheless -STAR!

  5. Ha ha ha ha, how true and funny it is...!

  6. awesome!

    and funny too (:

  7. cool

  8. Brilliant! The romance disappears as soon as ur married, lol

  9. That was hilarious!Did you think of it yourself?

  10. ha:) ha:) ha:)

    that was funny

    star for u

  11. clever.  i feel bad for unhappily married people.  

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