
Difference between horsebox and trailer?

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I know that you tow a trailer and that you can have a living area in a horsebox but I have seen horses kept in horseboxes all day at shows but tied up ouside trailers, why is this? Also some horses go into boxes tacked up- how is this possible?Sorry it's a bit of a silly question, thanks!!! :)




  1. They are the same thing. In the USA we usually call them trailers though.

  2. You can actually have living in some trailers as well as boxes. It is usually peoples personal preference as to whether their horses are tied up inside/outside a box/trailer.

    I could not leave my Arab mare safely inside a box or trailer at a show as she would stress to much.

    Some people travel horses tacked up as it is easier at the other end, especially if they have a very excitable horse who will be difficult to tack up at the other end.

  3. Trailers are what horseboxes are called in the USA.  Trailers can also have living quarters in them which we call LQ trailers.  It's like the difference between a halter and a horsecollar which are the same thing, also.  It depends on the country you live in.

  4. Major difference is that a horsebox is a lorry, converted (or built specially, if you are phenomenally well off) to carry horses; a trailer is pulled by another vehicle. (Jeep, pick-up, whatever.)

    Tying up outside or going back inside is a matter of preference, more than anything else. Lorries are much bigger inside so there is the space to load the horse and deal with it (untacking, feeding, etc) inside - there isn't the same amount of space in a trailer. Lorries tend to be more sturdy in their build than trailers - but if your horse is well behaved there's no reason why it can't stand inside the trailer throughout the day.

    I tend to load again if there is a good gap between classes - mostly because I have a naughty pony who digs the ground up! It can be easier to put them back in the lorry with a haynet, but I have had ponies who'd stand all day tied up, and just watch the world go by.

  5. Actually, horseboxes and trailers are different.  A horsebox has a motor attached to it, the whole thing is one vehicle.  A trailer is towed behind another vehicle.

    Lot of people I know haul their horses all tacked up.  I don't like to, personally, because I think there is more for the horse to get hung up on that way, and because it's harder on your tack, but it's really just a personal preference.

    As for tying...some horseboxes (and high-end trailers) have insulation, so it's actually cooler to keep your horses inside them during the day rather than standing in the hot sun.  And also some people prefer to tie outside in case their horse is antsy or kicks, that way their trailer/horsebox won't be damaged.  Plus trailers are better set-up for horses to be tied to the outside.

  6. A horse box and a horse trailer are the same thing.  It just depends on what side of the ocean you live on as to what you call it.  Horses are either tied inside or ouside of the trailer when at shows or rodeos, it all depends on what the horse prefers, some behave better inside some outside.  Ranchers and cattle men are known to saddle up and then haul their horses to their just makes things simpler once you get there.  Sometimes time very important when cows are involved, thus no saddle time once you get out there.

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