
Different illnesses different odours?

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have you ever tried to aid your diagnosis with help of your sense of smell?

Not clairolfaction specifically, but a certain smell that told you to look further (or somewhere else).

Personally, i have noticed malignancies in the lower GI have a certain scent that is not found anywhere else.

Can you relate to this type of experience?




  1. Gynecological malignancies definately have a distinguishable odor.

  2. yes, i have noticed the same things.  a GI bleed smells somewhat like old blood.  Cancer smells sickly sweet and it seems to linger on clothes, in your hair's hard to get away from.  Diabetics in ketoacidosis smell like juicy fruit gum.  Haemophilius smells like a bad case of halitosis.  An E. coli UTI has a very distinct odor as well as a CDiff.  Once you experience the smell you don't tend to forget it or what it relates to.

  3. Yes! pseudomonas infections almost shout at you!

  4. I can walk onto a ward and find cases of patients infected with Clostridium difficile, E. coli, gangrene and Aspergillus with just my nose. Years of experience have taught me what these odors mean. Death also has a smell, somewhat sweetish, but sickly.

    GI bleeds have a particular odor. I wouldn't be surprised if some cancers also did as well.

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