
Difficult people question?

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I started meditating and trying to increase my awareness of myself about a year ago and all in all its amazing stuff. However Ive become aware of how many difficult people there are in the world. Before, if id encounter these folks id come away feeling bad, but not knowing exactly why. Now I understand whats happening though. The problem is with increased awarness it seems like there are difficult people everywhere and when I do actually come across an easy going person its such a nice experience. But these nice people are few and far between and on a daily basis i use a lot of energy and effort dealing with not very nice individuals.

Is this the way its gonna be for the rest of my life, will I always have to battle to be treated fairly and not let myself be abused or taken advantage of? Its tiring. Should you just avoid difficult people altogether or what should you do?





  1. Yes, the world is full of difficult people. But you have to come to terms with that fact and find a way of dealing with it.

    Don't get too involved. Try and distance yourself from an awkward situation (cultivate aloofness). Realise that any antagonism and anger you feel towards them is in fact inside your own head (develop mindfulness of your emotions). Try and be nice to them. And avoid them if you need to.

    People are the way they are through ignorance. As you've only started realising awareness of yourself, you were also ignorant a year or so ago, and in fact you probably still have a lot of progress to make. Feel sorry for their ignorance, treat them kindly, and hope that some of your niceness will rub off on them.

  2. Difficult people, are unfortunately like midges.  

    You can develop a tolerance to them, you can apply repellent, or you can avoid the places where midges go and when they are active.  You can wear protective clothing, and you can surround yourself with people who have more blood on the surface of their skin (the midges eat them first).  You can lay traps for midges, and if they come near you or the trap they are killed.

    You cannot eliminate them, but you can develop a better coping strategy.

  3. keep the faith the longer you do it the easier it will be, and yes it will be like that your entire life so be strong and fare well in your own heart mind and soul. cling to the ones who bring you happiness their energy will support yours. may the good things in life come to you easy.

  4. first my greetings and appreciation to you for considering self value and seeking self awareness i truly admire such people who are not living blind in their own shadow as a lot do these days without even realizing what they're missing and what life has for them, just living from dawn till dusk and nothing more, it will really turn on them when they are old and crinkled to realize that they've missed a lot about life and how to live life and something else about it that greatly reaches for us :the beauty of life!

    okay so you talk about the difficult people the ones not living in one simple life then let me give you an advice:seeming that you increased your awareness of yourself do try to make your second step the awareness of others, try entering the personality and the psychological mind of others and why they have such feelings like hatred, fear, pain, cowardliness or preservation.... because those difficult people you're talking about are no more humans than you are and no less humans than you are, so no matter what wrong deed or difficult communication they've got, they've also got humanity basis and personal thinking that might be very interesting if you could search it and find a way to them through their ways of living and the things they love and appreciate becuase when you do that you won't feel like they're what you call them difficult people they will rather be different but nice as well people which can after sometime have a connection with you.

    so just because you meditate and try to see life does not mean that all the people know or do that, because people are different and that's what's interesting, and they won't change for you becuase you're different you have to change for them and it's not a very hard thing to do it's rather really nice after some time when they reach out for you, becuase they don't know how to treat u as much as you don't know how to treat them so who's gonna make the sacrifice you (one individual) or them (millions)?!!!!!

    try it and soon enough you'll feel better again about them as much as they'll feel better about you!.....

  5. I'm sorry to inform you but I have searched that one too and found to my dismay that those"nice" people your talking about are just ones who avoid any conflict at all cost meaning that they are also compulsive liars. They mean well, but that's not what I hoped for. If you have the wisdom to see, then you must (while you have the energy) plant the right seeds inside people and water them once in awhile. In other words treat others as you would have them treat you. And yes only spend time with those who are worthy of your time. You'll find most people are worthy but beware of those who are not.


  6. So true.  Yes there are difficult people everywhere  - manners and conversation is not what it used to be.   Avoiding difficult people helps but better still is learning how not to get dragged into the drama - a few choice words  here and there - just don't get angry.  

  7. I think that many people suffer from the modern day pressures of life. Trying to pay the bills, working in a rat race society etc... Reading newspapers doesn't help because they always paint a gloomy picture (bad news sells). Government don't help by removing common sense and creating an anti-English society.

    As you say, always be polite and when you do meet an angry a*****e, just avoid them and go elsewhere.

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