
Digital camera questions?

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I'm going to buy a digital camera..what are some things to look for?

I want it to take good pics. (of course)

I want it to be able to hold at least 30 pics. at a time

I want it to be able to record for at least 10 min.




  1. my suggestion

    go to yahoo shopping

    digital cameras

    digital camera GUIDE

    be sure to check titles on the left side

    the guide should answer your questions  

  2. Okay well no worries, most modern camera's can do everything your asking. Your looking for a camera that has an adapter to playback pictures and movies over AV (audio video) cables to a TV or anything else. (Most modern quicksnap cameras come with these accessories) just ask the salesperson or read the details to make sure.  

    In order to take Good pictures, the higher the megapixel, the more detail and larger resolution the picture will have. Some cameras have better color textures then others though, so don't just judge a camera by how many mega-pixels the images are, read reviews and try them out while setting standards for yourself on quality.

    In order for it to hold a lot of pictures and video, all you need is a large memory card! Depending on the camera you choose, xD, PRO stick, SD or some other memory card will be used. The simple answer to this dilemma is bigger is always better! I trust each and every format of memory cards on modern equipment so no worries on picking one over the other, just remember the bigger it is (more gigabytes) the more video and pictures you can store on it.  

  3. Go to "learn" at

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