My sister just had her very first baby.
I got to be in the room with her when she had him.
My mom didnt. And she was okay with it because I got a lot of it on my
camera. I got lots of pictures and videos of him coming out, his first cry,
his daddy cutting the cord, my sister holding him for the first time. And
pictures of him with his great great grandma who may never see him again.
I was going through the camera a few days later after having over 200
pictures and videos of the new babys first few days of life and I tried to
delete a super blury one and accidentally formated the whole camera
deleting everything on it. I feel so bad. I cant stop crying. Everyone told
me they werent mad, but then they all left the room and came back in tears.
I know they are all mad and they all hate me for it. Expecially my sister.
So basically where I was gettin at is.. Is there anyway to recover the pictures?