
Direct descendant of

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I just resently found out I am a direct descendant from King Charelmagne(a great german king)through a genaology report. What else can I do to find out about my long lost relatives.

here are some links incase you don't know who he is:




  1. well you couold ask other realatives that might know something, or travel to your origonal homee lands that your ancestors came from and look into the archives.

  2. How did you find out you are a direct descendant of Charlemagne?

    Was it via someones research; an on-line family tree or a published work?

    If so, and, if you haven't done so already, obtain a paper copy of the tree/work, which should give you enough leads to make additional searches via those persons listed in the tree(s).

  3. I know this sound odd, but the Latter Day Saint Mormans have a large collection of geniology information. By the way I don't have to be a morman to look up your American ancesters.They might have more infomation like where they immigrated from, you can go from there. Good luck

  4. In reality, most individuals who are of European descent can often be traced back to Charlemagne. (He was quite a prolific fellow with many wives and mistresses and fortunately for all of us, he kept good records of all his off spring.)   To be authentically connected however, you need to have documented proof.  Try to obtain as many copies of the various documents that prove your relationship by looking for birth, death,census and/or land documents and/or certificates.  Just keep working your way backwards.  Once you trace your lineage back to Europe you may find that foreign countries, such as Germany are very willing to help you.   We were able to trace my husbands family back to Charlemagne as well.  His lineage came through William the Conqueror  and yours may also. In my husbands case. most of the connections were through the women, and that is sometimes a little more challenging to identify.  Good luck,  who knows you may be related to us!!!
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