
Disappointed with new "twilight" book ?

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Was anyone else slightly disappointed with the new and final book in the twilight saga? I love the books but i was disappointed..




  1. Yes, I'd say so. Lots of people were, as you can see.(

    I was. It was one of the worst wastes of paper I've ever seen. I mean, I found myself angry, confused, and bitter-- but strangely empty. Not good. I didn't feel closure, because parts were like a badly-written fanfic, and they didn't seem like the same author.

    The characters were either absent or weird. There were plot holes galore and a surprise freak baby. What? And just when we think we might see some vampire butt kicking* action, we get a game of "chess" with the Volturi, which frankly, confused the heck out of me for a moment. Where did all those people come from? I don't know. The only good thing was Garrett. I love him.

    I don't know. But when I write my conclusion to my saga, at least one person is gonna kick the bucket. Sheesh.

    *Did you guys know that Y!A bleeps out "butt kicking" if there's a hyphen between "butt" and "kick"? They bleeped it out, so I erased my hyphen so that you don't think I'm a potty mouth.

  2. I was not disappointed at all.  I thought it was great.  There was just the right amount of romance, humor, and suspense.  I loved how we got to see and hear more about the werewolves lives.  The ending was one of my favorite scenes out of the whole series.  Edward finally understands how much Bella loves him.  I don't think it could have been any better!  3 cheers for Stephenie Meyer!

    Sorry I disagree, but just my thoughts.  

  3. I disagree with both you, Yucko Shmucko-san, and you, Kaitlin-san. I was not disappointed in the slightest. In fact, I was in awe of Miss Stephenie. The ending WAS special, at least from a writer's point of view, because it was perfect. All the loose ends were tied and it was happy. I don't think people realize just how difficult a happy ending is. It is easy to kill off a character; it is much more difficult to have every main character come out unscathed and happy. Personally, I enjoyed Breaking Dawn. I thought that it was great. Of course, I thought that the whole pregnancy thing was ridiculous and fangirlish but Miss Stephenie managed to pull it off in a way that I didn't completely despise it. She made it, to an extent, believable.

    I think people don't truly understand the fact that the author is the Alpha and Omega in their book. Whatever they write is the way it is supposed to be. You may think that it could be done better, but the author is the only person who knows their story and characters. Everyone else can try to know them, but no one will know them like the author.

    Also, the fact that there wasn't a huge battle scene at the end? I don't think that has EVER been pulled off before. I can't remember reading a fantasy book that DIDN'T end with the characters fighting for their lives and this includes my own stories. I think that it was very skillful of Miss Stephenie.

    The only complaint I had was that I didn't think anyone would truly believe that Alice would leave them all to die. That was completely unbelievable but necessary.

    My favourite part, however, was Alistair the paranoid vampire! That just cracked me up. I thought it was hysterical.


    Is there any particular reason that people are opposed to what I am saying? A question was asked for my opinion and I gave it - I really don't see why I should have so many thumb downs when I was merely voicing my opinion. Sorry if you don't agree with me, but that's life. Not everyone is going to agree with you and I happen to be one of those people. So I enjoyed the book and thought that Miss Stephenie did a good job. Why is that deserving of scorn? I didn't say anything that should be offensive to anyone. I mean, I know that I can be incredibly sarcastic but I was very calm and good-natured in this answer! Can I please have an explanation?

  4. i was disappointed with the ending. there was nothing special about it.  

  5. everyone has there own oppinion, because wow! breaking dawn was my favorite in the whole series and i loved the ending ! :D

  6. Disappointed?

    Understatement of the year.

    I've been waiting since New Moon for the series to crash and burn (it started with Eclipse... it all went downhill from there, but Eclipse is still my favorite as it's the only one with a semblance of a plot), but part of me hoped BD would redeem the series somehow.

    It didn't.

    Breaking Dawn is the worst book I've ever read in my life. I loathed it. I had no plot, there were loose ends, there were dozens of plot holes, the writing was awful, it COMPLETELY negated the important plot points from the first three books, the Renesme plotline was ridiculous and illogical, the characters didn't act like themselves (characters can change. That's what character development is all about. But there was no character development leading up to the changes we saw in the characters. It came out of nowhere), and the ending was extremely anti-climatic. Any author who spends half of a book leading up to a massive fight scene only to not have it happen is a crappy author. Period.

  7. I'm not a huge twilight fan, but I liked the books.  I liked in order Twilight, Eclipse, and then New Moon and Breaking dawn.  I liked new moon, but it wasn't my favorite, and Breaking Dawn seemed badly written and it had a c**p ending/was just too happy for me.  

  8. I liked the first and third books the most. BD almost ruined it for me. Felt like I just had to hurry up and finish it. It seemed so different from the first book. Even Edward..... Oh, I can't even go there.

  9. i was slightly dissapointed with the ending because there was not anyhing good about it, it was just like blah blah blah the end like it was in the middle of the sentence and then she just chopped it off. and ended it. i hope that she will decide for another book,

    have you heard about midnight Sun if not heres the link to her website and heres another link to the petiton about it

  10. She shouldn't have ended it. She should have left you satisfied, but no end.

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