
Disband the United Nations?

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I'm curious to see if anyone else would like to see the UN disbanded. It appears to me that they are horribly corrupt, irrelevant, and a waste of money for all the nations involved. It gives a voice to rogue nations and does nothing to help provide global peace. Any thoughts?




  1. We need to get the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.  A League of Democratic States could be formed to provide collective security for the free countries, and it could also help with aid, but there is no reason to let third world non-entities, ingrates like France, and hostile nations like China have an impact on our country's policy decisions.

  2. The United States should resign and stop footing the bill and kick them out of New York.

  3. Well, the UN was against the war in Iraq, so they were on to something... Bushie wasn't listening...

  4. If we don't talk, there is NO chance to avoid war. The UN provides that opportunity. AS we are normal human beings, we don't take good benefit from the opportunity. But better than nothing.

  5. Thank you ^*#$%^#$@ American !!!

    Where do I get the statistics I need for my work then ?

    Who takes care of the refugee camps in Africa ?

    Where do nations sit on a same neutral and balanced table ?

  6. I agree with you. They do nothing for peace. I really believe they should be disbanded. The U.S. should stop their support, then maybe everybody else would follow suit. But wait until Bush gets thrown out as president, if he suggested this, the rest of the world would vote against him.

  7. better to trust devil u know than the angel u dont know.  true its the one of the most corrupted body.

    whats next after disbandment. create another?  where will the staffing come fr?  from those experienced in international relations so u recruit the same guys?!?!

    keep it and improve on it.  amend  security counsel veto powers, give GA more teeth and laws tt members hv to comply with.  sanctions to come with penalties.  rogue nations to be stamped down eg sudan/darfur.  

    problem is everyone is still thinking of national and not universal.  a new political ethos is required and it boils down to education.   its a long road ahead.

  8. While the United Nations appears on the surface to be an irrelevant organization, one must remember that it was built in a different era and reflects the time that it was built.  The UN should not be disbanded, it should be remodeled to reflect the world's current power structure.  There should either be an increase in the size of the security council or current members should be taken off and replaced with countries that are gaining more power in the International Community, like India and Brazil.  The UN provides a platform for smaller countries to voice opinions and if rising super powers were given more power in the UN then it would give the UN more creditability in the International community.

  9. The un wants us to be global citizens, no I am an American. Disband, get rid of, destroy, whatever it takes!

  10. What a wonderful idea!!!! Imagine if the United States didn't have to fund that organization. The U.S. pays for 90% of all the expenses and probably even more in humanitarian aid to every country in the world. It does nothing to promote world peace. It only emboldens the rogue nations and gives them a voice.

  11. good concept,but then you have spineless countries like france that our two faced...............

  12. Disband

    Please stop them from wasting my oxygen.

  13. Get rid of them.  They are just as corrupt as the governments they represent.  Let all the countries of the world deal with their own c**p.

  14. I agree, it needs to be disbanded.

  15. Yeah!

    Only Israel would like to see the UN dismanteled, for obvious reasons, the UN resolutions record the Jewish entity human rights records since its creation .

    The rest of the world have hope the UN will enforce Civility and Peace . None Israel prescribes and believes!

  16. I think the UN is vital to the world community.  True, there has been corruption in the past, but name an orginization that does not have corruption, especially the US govt.  I believe disbanding the UN would be great for the US if we wanted to become an isolationist nation, or an imperialist nation on a rampage to conquer and impose its' will on people.  But to ignore the UN completely, as we have done for the last few years, will continue to give the US a bad name in the world and eventually we will become the new tyranny that the world is against, especially if we continue going toward the fundamentalist extremisim on the far right.

  17. It might be politically weak. But it does a lot of humanitarian stuff like providing countries with aid in times of war. I, for one, appreciate at least that aspect of the UN.

  18. UNO was formed with great expectations in the post WWII period. It was meant to abolish war, which it could not achieve till date.Its predecessor,

    League of Nations, failed because it had no army of its ow. UN could not dream of having a UN force, because USA had always been first to send its forces.

    The octopus -like hold of USA over UNO and international organs have made them all dispensable.

      The 62 year-old UN needs best surgical operation not its abandonment.

      UN offices  be not centralized in New York but set up in each continent.

      World Bank could success fully function from Switzerland. And IMF from Japan.

      The permanent membershipof UNSC and veto right be abolished.

      The membership of UNSC should be 1/3 UN membership, say, 63.Further, its meetings could be held in every member country.

    The Un should be made accountable to the general  assembly.

  19. The United Nations is futile because it is being used by the United States as a pawn to achieve what it wants in the world community just like the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

  20. Agreed. While there may be puported good intended, the organization is corrupt and does not act without bias. At the very least the US should withdraw from the UN. That alone would very likely lead to the UN becoming non-existant.

  21. I say let Trump turn that building into condos. That organization is horribly corrupt and the US still finances a major portion of their operations.

  22. Disband the UN and you're soon likely to have the WW 3 ! You're taking the issue much too easily...What I see is the impotence of the UN, which is based mainly on disinterested USA, which instead of supporting relevant solution to international problems plays solo adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere...I think superpowers, like USA, former USSR and China should work together and find relevant solutions to any particular issue instead of building their strategic arsenal & playing their war games !

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