
Disgusting dream?

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well theres this guy that i liked in my school(in real life) about 2 years ago and he liked me too but nothing ever came of it. ive never really thought of him again until i had this dream: we were sitting on a bathroom floor and he was saying a bunch of stuff and then i finally blurted out "so your asking me to be your girlfriend" and he nodded and then we started making out. so then im trying to sneak into his house which is a mansion. i finally get to him and for some reason i start giving him oral (yuck) and after that i woke up. now back to real life: the weird thing is the next day i starting liking him again but i was over him in like a week. what does this even mean cause i didnt care about him at all when i had this dream??? no rude comments please!!!




  1. doesnt meen anything..ur a teenager...teenagers give "oral s*x" all the time and they hav s*x...its no big deal...dont worry

  2. I smell love voodoo. You better prepare your self if you don't really want to be his soul mate.

    The simple way is go to another island for a couple day like hawaii or virgin island or anywhere around, ussualy voodoo can't pass ocean unless it's the strong one but ussualy the stong one is life threatening voodoo not love voodoo.

  3. you had a s*x dream..You had a dream where you basically were free from any inhibitions you had.

    I think this dream stemmed from residual attraction to the guy....and maybe a subconscious desire to be the "bad girl" for a moment.
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