
Disney Audtions?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, earlier yesterday I asked how to become a Disney star. Most of the answers said I have to go to the auditions. So now what I need to know is, EVERYTHING! Starting with:

Where are the audtions held?

What time are they?

Can you just go at anytime?

Do you have to call?

Write a letter?

Are there any audtions going on right now?

And any other information you might know that I would need to know.





  1. ok listen there is a place available in the new movie J.O.N.A.S.

    a girl named marcy u have to be 14-17 ill find out the information and ill answer u back.

    okay this is it!

    if u go and make it u have to tell mee!

  2. i would like to know the same thing but there is websites that will keep you updated...

  3. Hey there Burning Up 4 Nick Jonas!

    Good thing you like Nick because I'm all for Joe in Camp Rock! We can go on a double date sometime with the Jonas Brothers:):)

    Anyway, Great Question...

    I have 2 awesome sources for Disney Movies/ Shows auditions. I have the website you need and a toll free phone number you can use. So please enjoy...

    -This is for the whole world


    -This is "The Audition Hotline" They go all across Canada auditioning new talent EVERY YEAR. You get a chance to audition every year because they come back for auditions looking for some new talent or some old talent that wants a chance!:)

    Hope this helped...GOOD LUCK! <33

    -TQA (The Queen of Acting)

  4. One of the only ways is through an agent. Get some classes and experience, but in the meantime, there is also this way: An actor who also works for Disney has a blog website for aspiring actors to do not have agents. It has all the information you need if you would like to submit for acting roles for Disney Channel, as well as information on how your resume should look, and the addresses to send them to for certain Disney Channel movies/tv shows you would like to audition for. Here is the link:

    Hope this helped :)

  5. get an agent.

  6. Ok, all I have to say is go to this page nd all your questions will be answered.

    That is for all the disney auditions going on right now and as you see you ca only go if they call you back. No personal drop offs or visits or you will not be considered. Based on your resume and headshots they will help you. If you don't know about those click on an audition click on the link for headshots and resume and read and click Begginers Resume for how to make your own resume. It also talks about agents and stuff. I hope I helped.


    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    take classes and participate in plays and build up your resume! and get headshots done and get an agent!
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