
Disney Channel Audition?

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what happens at an audition for acting and what are some good monolougues please describe all the deatails espeacially if you got a call back also what happened at the call back




  1. Yeah i'm taking a Camp rock, High school musical class but i know this doesn't help lol well i don't really know about monologues If your auditioning for anything for disney there probably gonna have you do a cold read that's when they give you a script and you only have a couple minutes to go over then you you read it and audition with it monologues are more for auditioning with agents but sometimes they still want monologues so be prepared, now if you get a call back for disney your going to read the same script you read in front of a camera this time then there going to interview see if your disney rated and the final breakdowns are sent to disney headquarters where THEY make the final decision on who they want on network, if you get it you sign a contract and you are apart of the disney family and thats why its good if you get a call back and you still dont get it because disney headquarters will keep seeing you and realize you have something if you keep getting callbacks and just cast you! lol

    Now hope that helped! lol


  2. The best way to get this information is to take an audition class. I took one it is so helpful!

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