
Disneyland with 15 month olds?

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We are going to Los Angeles in September with our 15 month old twin boys. We are going to spend most of our time visiting family and hanging out on the beach. We had decided that we weren't going to go to Disney at all, but now we're debating that decision. Is it worth going to Disneyland with kids this young? I know they won't remember it at all. How many rides will they be able to go on (if any)? It will just be my hubby and I with the boys so we won't be able to go on any rides that they can't go on. Also, I can find prices online for kids over 3, but does anyone know what it costs for kids younger than that? Thank you for helping us make this decision.




  1. I just got back from a trip to Disney World in FL where we took our 13-month-old boy.  We were visiting my family, and my sister has two older girls who liked the parks, and we just kind of tagged along.

    We took him to the Magic Kingdom (which is equivalent to Disneyland) one day for a few hours.  He seemed to enjoy it, and he enjoyed the rides that you would think he would enjoy: It's a small world, the spinning teacups, Winnie the Pooh (not sure if all of those are at Disney World).

    Our main concern was this: was it really worth it for us to go?  You  are right, they definitely won't remember anything.  Our son had a good time, but he probably would have had just as good of a time at our local playground or a local zoo.  We went because we were meeting my family, but I don't think that we would go otherwise.  As you know, it's VERY expensive to go.

    A couple of other things: it's free for kids under 3.  Also, you can go on rides with your husband that your kids cannot go on.  There is a system called "baby swap," where you all wait in line, and then your husband rides while you watch the kids, and then when he gets back you ride while he watches the kids.  The employees know about this and will let you do it for all of the rides (we never did it, though, but it sounds easy enough).  

    Good luck no matter what you choose!  The link below is a website from Disney about stuff to do specifically for toddlers (it's actually aimed more at 3-5 year olds, but some stuff should be helpful).

  2. ask the family to watch them while u2 go!!!!  ull hate it if u take them!! the next day u can get a pass for 60% off n kids free-just ask n they make deals--if ur family lives around there they can get it cheaper if they show i.d.--then the next day the kids can get pics wit the characters etc.  

    good luck!!

  3. Personally, I think they're too young.  The things there aren't designed for kids that age.  They won't even remember the trip either.  It's a good thought though- I'd just maybe save up for another trip for when they're 4 or so.  That's a great age for Disney.  I love the other person's idea of just you two going!

  4. I think you should take them but be mindful of their age. Stick to one toddler centered area of the park. A one day ticket should be enough, and you might want to limit yourself to just five or six hours.  They can take rides in slow moving boats or on trains. A meal with characters and a parade will be especially fun for them. Remember to rent strollers and buy a disposable camera.

  5. they would probably really enjoy the experience!  i took my daughter when she was 15 months and she loved running around and looking at everything, including the parades!  they can go on a lot more rides than you would expect.  they are pretty much able to go on anything but the fast moving rides like space mountain, etc.  you can just use your discression on some like the haunted mansion.  when we took our daughter at that age she was scared, but some of my friends kids didn't mind at all!  so it's up to you!  and kids under 2 are free! :)  it would be a fun experience, and you could capture some great pics and memories!  have fun!

  6. my best friend just went to disney in florida with her 16 month old son and he was able to go on a bunch of rides with her but she said he seemed to have more fun playing in the pool at the hotel. but he did enjoy seeing micky and all the other chactors ( sorry spelling) so its a 50/50 if its worth it or not

  7. I would pospone the trip and just stick with the beach and family plans you all ready had. I think they will enjoy seeing your family and going to the beach a lot more than Disney at this point in their young lives.

    Disney is really a fun place but children really need to be old enough to enjoy it. Do they still take naps? If they do, will you be willing to leave the park early so they can have their nap, rather than stay in the noisy park?

    I am assuming they are still in diapers and waiting for the bathroom lines are awful especially at this time since everybody is on summer vacation.

    The best age to take kids to Disney is about 5 because they are potty trained, they aren't as heavy nappers and they can enjoy the parades, rides and attraction a lot more.

    Plus the beach is great for kids! Running around, the sandcastles, the water, the seagulls, the crabs, swimming, the corndogs and french fries lol.

    Good luck! Whatever you decide to do, you'll definitely have a blast!

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