
Distance Learning?

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Has anyone studied in this fashion before? Does it work? I am currently studying for the premium IT Qualification is hard going i can tell you!




  1. I do. Distance learning is great because you can set your own timetable of study etc.

    The Open University is great for this and they offer endless guidance and support.

  2. OooOH Yay, one i can help with! hehe.

    Right well, theres a lot of distance and hope learning programmes out there.

    I can tell you to AVOID Home learning college, half their qualifications don't seem to be worth the paper they are written on (My friend paid about £400 for a course doing something graphic related) only to find out it wasn't recognised.

    My 2nd piece of advice came from the 'Big man' our head of IT comms. at work. He said that all home learning IT courses are a rip off, you'll end up paying 1000's when all you really need to do is read the books and book an exam for yourself. unfortuantely i can't remember the name of the exams or books he reccommend, but he said you'd literally save 1000's if you build up your course this way.

    Home learning places like the home learning college, ICS learning etc - their staff on the phone work on comission. I was going to do something through ICS, They were SO pushy, to the point i actually cried because they harassed me so much! I felt so pressurised!

    I am hoping to do a degree through the open uni at the back end of this year, as far as distance learning go they seem to be the only place to go for. Recognised qualifications, support right the way through too! and you can take as long as you want.

    Thats another thing about the home learning college - my friend got No support, they were really hard to get hold of and he really struggled.

    Doing any kind of course can really take its toll so i think its important to know you'll have a tutor availiable to help online, or over the phone - and the open uni seem to be the only place were you get that fully.

    Good luck with it all, It may be worth looking @ the review centre also for previous experiences xxxxx
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