
Distances between jumps and poles?

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What are the human stride distances between trotting poles, canter poles, bounce jumps, and double jumps, for an average 14.2hh welsh cob? (For up to 2ft jumps) thanks




  1. there are some good books available for this.   the british show jumping association do one.   if schooling ask a friend to watch the distance for you so you can adjust it to keep confident.

    when you have measured accurately the distance between two jumps.  then you walk it and count your strides to relate to the distance.   my stretched walk stride is one yard.   but normal strides can be taken as long as you relate them to the distance in between the jumps.

    show-jumping to do and watch is fun.

  2. you can books with the rough distances in. but its different for every horse and horse depends on size of foot!

    once u have a rough idea you can ajust it all to fit your horse!!


  3. trot rails are four steps..heal to toe. canter poles are eight steps. heal to toe   thats all i know

  4. ok you measure length in yards, so you have to be able to take steps that are very close to a yard long...(practice with chalk lines marked 3 yards apart and taking steps to fit the distances)

    trot poles are 1 yard closest but usually a little more so 1-2 yards

    canter poles, since you have a small pony, will probably be a little less than 4 yards apart, around 3-4 depending on whether your horse is short strided (for a pony, it will def be closer to 3 yards)

    if your jumps are 2 ft tall and you have  14.2 pony, it will probably land about 4-5ft after the jump, and will take off about 4-5 feet before the next jump, so count on about 2 1/2yards-3 yards

    a double jump is not proper horse terms so I don't know what you mean... do you mean a jump with 2 strides in between?

    that would be about 6-7 yards for a pony

    every time I say yard, remember I mean large step...

    good luck

    and you can adjust your course/jumps/poles to your pony's stride length

    since I don't know the stride length I can't tell you what will be exactly right for your horse.

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