
Disturbed by what children say sometimes?

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I babysit the little girl next door sometimes, and the other day she tells me this.

"If a stranger were to say heres a dollar little girl, go into that store and buy and knife and kill your family, I would say no no no".

The first thing out of my mouth is where did you hear that?

She said she made it up on her own.

This little her is very normal. Draws pictures of her family with love all over it. Shes social, kind to animals. I can't even believe she would think of something like that, it had to be something she saw on TV right?

Is this normal? Have you heard anything disturbing like this from a kid?




  1. probably heard it on tv, or something like it and just said she made it up

  2. That is why parents should not let kids watch adult TV.

  3. Probably heard it on t.v. or made it up.  Children are having huge changes in their brains during these years.  Don't make a big deal out of could be more harm than good if you do.  

    Just to let you know- I am in a Child Development class right now and we commonly have to observe/analyze  the kids without interacting with them.  The kids get used to us sitting there and say some weird things.

    Just last week, two little girls playing house and one of them says "Call the police (she's using a fake phone) Call the police, this is not my baby.  The bad guys took our baby.  When he gets here, I'm gonna use this knife"

    One possible reason for this is that in little kids the amygdala in the brain (which controls our emotions) is maturing rapidly.  This causes kids to suddenly have nightmares.  That may be where she's getting the ideas.

    You should take an intro Child development class if you spend a lot of time with kids.  You'll get a lot of information!  They offer them at community colleges for cheap $.

    Hope this helps!

  4. It sounds to me as if she is highly imaginative and sensitive and she is embellishing warnings her parents have told about "never accepting money or candy from a stranger."  Sometimes our warnings to little children can be twisted into all sorts of situations in their little unformed minds.

    Children also worry about terrible things happening to their parents.  Sometimes our warnings about pedophiles and the "stranger" routine disturbs them into dreaming up all sorts of horrifying situations.  I wouldn't worry about this, but I would mention it to her parents if it continues.

  5. It sounds to me like it is something she picked up, in some way or another, and then possibly distorted a bit with her imagination.  I think it is important not to label her because of her response and not to react in a shocked manner.  Yes, I agree, it is a shocking sort of thing to hear from a kid... but I think she might start saying things like that more often if she knows she is going to get a heightened response/attention from it.  I would suggest saying calmly something like, "yes, we should never do anything that will harm someone." etc.  I think you should also make the parents aware of what she has said, but also mention that you don't think it is any cause for concern (that you just wanted them to be aware).  I think that because parents can be a bit defensive in these sort of scenarios, it might be helpful to mention all the positive things about the child that you listed here and that you are letting them know simply because it was so "out of character." Good luck!  I think it is wonderful that you care enough about the child that you baby sit to seek out answers on this topic. :)

  6. I've heard plenty of disturbing things similar to this from my son. A couple of months ago, me and my partner were very concerned about him. He had no appetite and was extremely pale all of the time. He would cry his eyes out at night before finally falling asleep and hold his head in his hands. He was only two at the time, so naturally we were terrified. He would say things like, 'Daddy I'm so sorry please don't hate me' and 'They said they will come and get me, don't let them' out of nowhere. He came out with disturbing things for his age, about death and murder. He also drew some pictures which were really quite worrying. We took him to see a children's therapist who had been talking to him and doing different mental activities. It turned out he was bipolar psychosis and would never stop having these thoughts but could be helped.

    My son is now three and suffers leukemia. He is currently in isolation at hospital and it's hard on him. Not long ago, he turned to me with tears in his eyes and said, 'Daddy please don't let me die'. He was terrified and I cuddled him and promised I would look after him, it really scared me. He has also mentioned quite a few times about funerals and asking me questions about them. It's heartbreaking to see him so ill and thinking these things.

    In your case, I think this little girl just has a very active imagination. She is probably easily influenced by things she sees or hears about and picks up on things easily. She could have knowledge of 'stranger danger' and stabbings that have been going on, she's just putting two and two together. I don't think it's much to be concerned about, as long as she doesn't get carried away and worried by her own imagination.

  7. i bet she heard it on tv and tried to change it to be something nice. It was actually a good thing she was trying to tell you.

  8. she probably saw it on the TV, or her parents have been talking to her about stranger danger.

    It doesnt worry me, but what WOULD worry me would be if her answer was she WOULD go and do it!!

  9. kids say thingss that they pick up most likely on t.v or someone else talking i would not worry .

  10. She may have heard something along the lines of this on TV and then made up her own version, making her think these were really her "great" ideas. Did you let her gaurdian know about it? They may want to be a little more careful about what they are letting her watch.

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