
Divorce and custody help?

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Last month my husband left me and our 7 month old baby for another woman. I don't want to file for divorce cuz I can't afford it. But I feel the need to try to see if I can obtain sole custody incase he gets a reality check in the future and finally decides he wants to see his baby, I don't want him to have all the same rights I have to her and try to take her from me. He hasn't even contacted me or asked about her or to see her yet. Can I try for custody without divorcing?? I know nothing about this stuff and I'm scared




  1. They are everuwhere free legal services.Ask your county.Don't worry,it is not the end of the world.Good luck!!!

  2. Be very careful acting on any advise here on yahoo because everyone thinks their a lawyer here. You can't stop him from his child and it would be very damaging for you to try. For whatever the reason maybe for him leaving because there is always two sides to every truth, your anger and revenge can not be through his child as it will bite you later. Make sure you document every one of his actions and document the no actions to. Talk to more than one lawyer as they are all full of c**p as getting your retainer check is the only way for them to make their bills work and watch out for the first lawyer that tells you what they will do because the courts will do lawyers are just over paid clerks and nothing more than a bag of fancy words you don't know. I wish you well and I hope everything works out for you and your child. Turn to your county offices for help financially and for food as that will be documented by the county too.

  3. Wait until he has been gone for six months.

    Do not contact him. If he does not try to see the child in six months, file for divorce and sole custody.

    If he does try to see the child, do not try to prevent it, because the court frowns upon any parent who does put the child's best interests first.

    You need to be the one to file. File on the grounds of adultery.

    Ask for custody and child support.

    Best wishes

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