
Do Americans Have State Governments?

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Democrats controlled the US Congress for nearly 50 years until the Republican “revolution” in 1994. Democrats controlled at the State and Local levels throughout the US since the Civil War ended and in some States, Republicans had never held Governorship or a noticeable presence in the State Legislature (particularly in the South and North East). However because of the Cold War and the Republican opposition to the USSR many Americans who would not vote for a Republican as Dog-Catcher often voted for Republicans for the Presidency. This was more true of the Southern States however.

So I’m forced to asked why Americans who are governed almost exclusively by Democrats at the State and Local levels, by their own choice, continue to blame only the Federal government (namely George Bush) for every problem in their lives?




  1. right.its seems the main body has made things(or allowed)so the states are dependent on the main body that gets paid for this function.

  2. My State, Florida is almost completely Republican at the state level.

  3. This falls back to the reason in our constitution of the states should have the laws in place , not the feds. Like drug laws.

    Get the FED out of our lives and our wallets, Why is this so hard for people to see? I mean d**n

  4. I don't blame George Bush for my problems.  But I guess since I'm a Conservative, that's just the way I think.   I live in S. California and our Governor is a Republican.  (Arnold Swarzenegger) Or how ever you spell it.

  5. Yes they do they have governors.

  6. Because Bush Bashing has become a national sport.

  7. I think you need to do a little more research about American government and politics.  There are many state governments controlled by Republicans.  Currently 22 of 50 governors are Republicans.  The south is in fact a Republican stronghold, though you are correct that Republicans very rarely are elected in the northeast.  Don't forget that Mitt Romney, a Republican, was governor of Massachusetts which is traditionally a very Democratic state.  

    So to answer your question, I do not believe that Americans are "almost exclusively" governed by Democrats.   Americans are highly inclined to blame the federal government for their problems because I think they underestimate the influence and power of their state and local governments.

    Are governors not a part of state government?  They are the executive of state governments and in most states have extensive powers.  They play an important role in the legislative process on the state level and often wield the veto pen!  I am well aware of the existence and power of local governments.  

    See this data from the National Conference of State Legislatures on the partisan composition of state legislatures nationwide

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