
Do Americans only care about America?

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Was flicking through the telly this evening, thought i would watch a bit of BBC News channel for a change, seeing as i practicly worship the website...and on the EPG it said: 'World News' and i thought brilliant!! so i chose it, on it came....turns out it was ABC World i though 'ok....s***w it, its WORLD NEWS, it'll be the same! and at least its not fox news....' so i watched it.....

One thing about this 'World News'.......ALL THE STORYS WERE ABOUT AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Do you guys even know that there are other countries beyond your borders?? It was funny because part way through where the adverts normally are BBC news came in (as the BBC is publicly funded so theyre not allowed to show any adverts at showing american ads in the UK would be pointless...) and told us the headlines from BBC....SO many important things that ABC didnt mention....Zimbabwe for example, or the suicide at the french presidents departure in israel...

I have nothing.....(continued below)




  1. They usually cover important stories from other countries on that broadcast, but I guess they didn't on the one you watched.  In general we don't really care about Zimbabwe or what happened to the French president unless it effects us.  They probably didn't have time to talk about those subjects because they had to spend 10 minutes telling us the economy is in the s*****r.  Like we hadn't noticed.

    Edit: The EU isn't a country so that really doesn't compare.

  2. Yes, Americans only care about americians, and furthermore, our news sources suck in general.

    I listen to the bbc news on my way home, it is the only place I get information on world events, and even on events that affect the US. Example, for a long time, bbc would have at least one piece on the sub-prime mess here ad its causes, while if there was any reporting on it in the news here, it was a brief mention, or on the back of the financial pages. BBC was the only source paying any attention to they severity of it.

  3. American, apprently needs attention.

    Oh Bush, quit while your ahead, dipshit.

    Thank god he'll be gone soon xD

  4. I only care about America.I can't afford gas,food and rent. I guarantee nobody anywhere in the world cares about my problems.

  5. Yes, it seems that way sometimes, doesn't it?  It is kind of sad that the world sees us as so self-focused.  However, I am an American, and I am very interested in world news. I keep up with it all the time - maybe even obssess over it.  Last night I couldn't sleep thinking about the people in the capsized ferry in the aftermath of Typhoon Fengshen.  

    I think the internet is a good source for opening peoples' eyes to what is happening around the world, but apparently, not enough - imo.  I hope it changes as we are all connected in this great circle of life.

  6. With billions in foreign aid funded by American tax-payers?. .I think NOT .

  7. Oh, I don't know.  I mean, that was only one network.  Granted, it's a bit ridiculous that it was labeled "World News" and was only about America.

    I don't think every American network is like that but, on the other hand, American's care a lot about what's going on in our country or what could apply to us.  

    As terrible as it is to say this, we don't care as much about things that we'd have trouble applying to our daily lives.

  8. Why would any American care about any coverage of a foreign country when all other foreign countries have such negative things to say about America and Americans? People come here from all over the world so that they can have what they can't have in their own country, mainly freedom. Yet , we are talked about and treated  very badly. Most Americans consider Great Brittan the mother country but look how nasty Brits talk about Americans and America. The US has given more aid to more countries thru out the world than any other country yet we're the b******s. We have bailed more out of scraps in war time than any other country. No wonder most Americans don't care.

  9. Being a loyal patriotic American, I can give you a viewpoint- Americans , or most Americans deep down, are not even aware that there are other countries out there, and since America is the center of all knowledge and power there is no reason to even think that any other nation exists. Oh, we read and hear about them occasionally, but surely there isn't any significance to any of them.

      We all know that we have the best system of government in the world- We have heard of other countries electing their leaders by the most popular vote- how backwards they must be.

      We know that we have the best health care system in the world- We have no idea that 26 other nations are ranked ahead of us in health care- Something like this is not given much air time or ink over here, What with the best  press and media in the world and all.

      We know that our political system is the greatest in the world because we have TWO political parties we can choose from- how many other nations have that many to choose from? Forgive me, but my chest is starting to swell up with pride!

      We know that we have the best education system in the world, because we have the highest rate of dropouts- can you imagine that? Our kids are so smart, half of them need no formal education! And our colleges- they have to be better then any in the world- they cost so much only the very rich can go to college- I feel sorry for some of the countries that I hear about that their universities are free- how cheap can you get?Well, I'm going to take the high road and not mention it.

      About the only thing that I've heard about is that poor country of Venezuela that exports all their oil and makes all the gas that is sold in their country out of cane- whitch is 7 times more effecient them the corn that we make it out of-and they sell the gas under 25 cents a gallon- Those poor , misguided people- haven't they heard of that great philisophy that we go by of supply and demand? Such a backwards people.

      I sure hope that I have learned you a little bit about American and why we are so famous and imitated all over the globe- you have my sympathy. What was that little country you said you were from?

  10. Now you know why most americans have stopped watching the network news and turn to cable news stations.

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