
Do Austrainlian cattle dogs shed ?

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  1. Yes, quite a lot.

  2. All dogs shed, just as all humans shed hair and skin.  Daily grooming helps as does daily vacuuming.  

  3. The typical Australian Cattle Dog does not shed year round but instead "blows it's coat" once or twice per year. During this one or two (or three) week period The ACD sheds out his or her undercoat (and then guard hair) in MASSIVE clumps.

    The number of times that an ACD blows its coat per year depends on their s*x and their reproductive status (ie, intact females blow after each heat cycle, altered animals generally blow their coat once a year...depending on climate). The misery of ACD hair EVERYWHERE xcan be lessened by frequent brushings while your dog is blowing coat and several WARM baths.

  4. yes because they are long haired dogs.

  5. Yes, but they don't shed year round typically during the spring and summer months, they don't shed just a few hairs but in huge clumps though it does not take much to brush it out of them.

  6. i think so yes

  7. ohhh yes! They do. But not as bad as say.......... well. A golden retriever!

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