
Do Automotive GPS Systems Work Indoors?

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Do they? Or do they need a direct satellite signal?




  1. My GPS works inside my apartment. It has signal from the satellite that determines the exact location/coordinates of my apartment. But It looses signal in underground parkings and tunnels. So it depends on the particular GPS unit and locations there are unit that easily pick-up satellite signals even indoors.

  2. all GPS systems require a direct satellite signal (3 to fully work)

    My uncle has a handheld one that also doesn't work indoors.

  3. All GPS units require a good signal from the satellites in order to work properly.

    All receivers, however, are not created equal.  Some units have better chips and better antennas.

    You can probably purchase an external antenna for your device.  Without knowing your specific device, I can't send you to any particular antenna retailers.  Try googling your device name plus "external antennas."

    Chances are you can find an antenna that will do the trick for you.

    If you own a garage or other indoor facility, you can install a GPS signal repeater that will enable almost all devices to work inside your location.

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