
Do Chinese People Cook Dogs?

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I live next door to a Chinese Restaurant, a few days ago my Saint Bernard went missing. Other neighbors have been experiencing similar problems. Do you think they made my Saint Bernard into my "General Tso's Chicken"?




  1. I am a chinese and without a doubt we love dog meat.  In fact, if possible we would have it everyday.  We also like kittens, baby panda bears, and fat juicy orca whales.

    Give me a break!

  2. They do, but not in the modernized places. Maybe in poor villages in China where people are starving to death maybe.  

  3. i hope not. i love saint Bernard's. and i've eaten "general tso's chicken" before. ewww....

  4. Dog Meat

    All about dog meat – and how to avoid it

    Eating dog is an idea that most Westerners find rather distasteful, but to some Chinese it’s no different from eating sheep or pigs. Outside the big cities hardly anyone keeps dogs as pets and most people can’t afford to be overly sentimental which may be why they haven’t developed the ‘can’t eat that’ status that they have in the West.

    How to Avoid Dog Meat in China

    When it comes to dog meat in China, most travellers’ main concern is simply to avoid it. Rest assured, dog meat is a very rare occurrence on menus in Beijing, it’s quite unlikely that you’ll come across a restaurant that serves it. Furthermore, most restaurateurs are well aware that eating dog meat is something of a minority interest, especially amongst Westerners, and they won’t serve it to you unless they’re quite sure that you want it.

  5. it actually has been known to happen   dont really know about chinese but do know in nam they did

  6. Oh, go on. You are too fussy an eater to try anything not from McDonalds. Don't criticize your superiors.

  7. It has become common to point fingers at the Chinese for such 'crimes', as if Chinese people have become representative of all the inhumane & weird eating habits of non-Westerners. Dogs are also eaten outside Asia eg. parts of Latin America & in fairly recent history by American Indians, Polynesian & other islanders (even English & American sailors attended big dog eating feasts), the French up to the 19th century, early Western explorers etc.

    For those familiar with Asia, they'll know that the Chinese people's consumption of dogs is like a drop in the vast ocean compared to some other Asian countries, notably South Korea where dog meat is really loved & actually farmed (authorities had to temporarily close down dog meat restaurants during the 1988 Seoul Olympics & 2002 FIFA World Cup to avoid offending visitors). Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand eat more dog than China.

    And when talking about China, please remember how vast the country is and the significant variations in diet across regions. Most of 'weird' foodstuff, including dog & snake, are eaten in the southern part of China. And generally the Chinese far prefer meats like pork & chicken over dog or wild game.

    As for constant rumours about dogs ending up on the table in American Chinese restaurants, that's just an urban legend. Do you seriously think your health inspectors are all sitting on their bums or taking benefits to 'overlook' such blatant flouting of strict health regulations? Do give your local authorities more credit than that.

    And there's lots of reasons why pet dogs vanish, some may be dog-napped just to be sold for money, not as dinner. Some years ago a former Hong Kong governor's dog went missing, people speculated it was surely a goner into someone's belly but later turned up safe & sound. So don't be too quick to point fingers at the nearest ethnic Asian around without any proof.

  8. yeah.....i heard dog meat is yummy and healthy and as the natural and powerful viagra, but in reality dog meat in many parts of Asia is a lot more precious and expensive than fish, chicken, duck, pork, lamb, beef....etc. people in Asia that lives around the extreme cold places still eat dog meat to stay warm and healthy. eating dog to those people is the same as people eating polar bear, wolf, sea lion in Alaska to keep warm. it is their local customs which you and i have no power to influence.

    the best thing for you to do....if you are upset is to become a vegetarian. eating pork, beef, chicken may be normal to you but for some local customs they could be considered pets as well and you eating their pets will be consider just as disgusting as people eating dogs.

  9. Yes, some Asian people eat dog. However, I bet  they did *not* cook you Saint Bernard. Is everyones dog spayed and nurtured? If one  female dog goes into heat even some nurtured dogs are still aroused enough to chase the scent. The could have gotten hit by cars. But some Chinese do eat dogs in places such as Beijing. If you are really worried though call the health dept. and report what you suspect.

  10. A friend of mine just went over to Asia and visited many places like Japan & Vietnam and she said that she didn't eat any meat in fear that some of it was dog.  Yes. Dog.  She stuck to the seafood and veggies and said those dishes were delicious.  They also eat cats!

  11. Only in China they think of dogs like we think of cows or pigs, not here in the USA we have LAWS against that.  

  12. Some chinese people do eat dog meat but it is really uncommon nowadays. I can say that 99 % of Chinese will frown at the thought of eating a pet dog. But then there could always be some crazy people out there who still like dog meat.

  13. With Fava beans

  14. Why does it have to be the Chinese? People say lots of different nationalities like dog

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