
Do Cockatiels Miss Their Owner?

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I was in the hospital for a week. While I was there my mother bird sat. She said the bird was noisy and screaming the whole time. He only shut up when she sat next to his cage or turned out the lights.

Normally, my bird is very quiet. He will make noise when I walk out of his eyesight but no screaming and definitely not all the time.

When I got back home he acted normal.

Is it possible that he missed me and that is why he made so much noise?

BTW - the bird 7 months old. s*x is unknown.




  1. Yes.  Cockatiels get attached to their flock, bird or human, and if their favorite person leaves, they will wonder where you went and get worried when you're gone for a while.

  2. well birds get attached to there owners and love them and like 1-3 hours a day with them , he might of been screaming because he was scared of your mother a missed you alot!

    birds love there owners and it is possible he missed you from the sound of it he did.i hope he enjoys your back good luck!

  3. I think birds do miss their owners.  My parents have a cockatiel, and her cage is normally kept in the dining room, right in the middle of the house where the bird is right is the middle of whatever is going on with her human "flock."  This week, they had to move the cage upstairs to the bedroom because they were painting and didn't want the paint fumes to make the bird sick.  She was very upset at having her cage moved!  She was used to seeing my parents all the time and seemed angry that they weren't there with her when they normally would be.  She constantly called out to get attention and threw her food all over the floor (she doesn't normally do that).  When her cage was brought back to its normal spot, she was happy again and sat on my dad's shoulder all afternoon.  

    I think many animals react the same way.  Like humans, they get used to a routine and don't like when things change.  Unlike humans, though, animals don't often understand the reasons for the changes and will "be bad" when all they're really trying to do is express the fact that they're upset or confused or scared.

    BTW--Glad you're not still in the hospital and your little birdie is back to normal!

  4. Yes, birds do have emotions and feelings, I have 4 birds and they all miss us us when we go to work, they scream and squak when we get back home.

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