
Do I Act Sluttish?..or Hoeish?

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I am 14 i hang out with guuys i hv 2 friends that are girls but i nvr tlk to them. there are 5 guys i hang with mainly sumtimes more but nvr more than ten. i flirt with one because hes really cute and special. I try really hard to look nice just for him and try to act a little girly. sometime girls cal me a s**t but i do not believe them. There are a few guys i hang out with that have girlfriends and the girls get really mad at me. I never flirt but i do give them relationship advice and most time it works. But i do not kno anymore I really am insecure with myself and i do not know wht to do anymore. Am i a hoe are not?




  1. I don't think it is hoeish to have guy friends.. I did and when they got girlfriends I made it clear there was no interest in their man at all and it all worked out but some girls will say that you are a hoe for being with nothing but guys because they don't know you and it is more gossip if they can say you are sleeping with this group of boys

  2. Flirting with a guy and having a crush on him does not make you a s**t.  Having s*x with multiple people with no emotional attatchment is being a s**t.

  3. what do they know? there your friendsss and they need to get over that. just cause they have a group of girl friends doesnt mean you cant have a group of guy friends. dont worry your not. id much rather be friends with guys there so much easier to get along with and no friken drama.

  4. girls are probally just jealous but it is good to have friends that are girls tooo. someone to stand up for u wen ppl say that kinda stuff to u

  5. no, you sound more like a tom boy to me, i hung out with guys a lot and no one called me a s**t or a hoe, if your not doing anything with them other then hang out and be friends, then dont worry about it, there just jealous they cant hang around the guys too

    good luck

  6. You are not a hoe or a s**t. As long as you are not sleeping around with all these guys. You are too young for that. Maybe you should try some extracirricular activities that involve other girls...a sport or something? Then you could make friends that are girls and there is still nothing wrong with hanging out with your guy friends. Just watch how you act and you will be ok!!! PS those girls are probably just jealous of you because their boyfriends confide in you and you are probably a pretty girl....

  7. N0T. just because you hang with guys does not make you a s**t. and don't listen to them b*tches. they are just jealous cause all the guys they like probably like you. a hoes is someone who sleeps around. you are just having fun with your friends.

  8. hun you're not a s**t.

    a s**t is someone who hooks up with a bunch of guys, or has s*x with someone she's not really inlove with.

    you're probably just more comfortable with boys, girls tend to start drama.

    just be yourself and dont listen to stupid people.

  9. Don't change yourself for anyone. Worst mistake I've ever made. No, you're not a s**t, and don't every try and act like one.

  10. guys are easier to talk to if you talk to girls all they talk about are boys and movie stars you are not a hoe just act girly when its only you and the special one if you act girly for him and the other guys are there then of course their girlfriends are gonna think your flirting for all of them

  11. No I have a friend who hangs out with our group of guys which is usually between 3-5 guys, sometimes 8 or more for poker parties. like you she gives advice but doesn't really flirt.. and I wouldn't call her a hoe.

  12. Its an insecurity issue. Your not getting the attention from the girls so you move to the guys where you know you'll get it. As for flirting, that doesn't make you a "s**t" or "hoe" at all. The girls make fun or you because you are getting the attention that they want from the boys. I wouldn't however continue with the relationship advice. Leave that for the boys to figure out. That'll just cause huge fights and eventually loss of those friends in the long run. The age of 14 through 17 is all about security issues. You'll find your place with your proper friends of whom none of them you may know now. Just keep pushing through even if it seems unbearable sometimes. We've all been through it before. :)

  13. Naw you just have a lot of guy friends. You would know if you were a s**t. Just ignore everybody and what they say. If you want it to stop then make friends with a couple of more girls.

  14. Well, first of all, ladies always use proper grammar and spelling; It shows that you are well-educated. You sound like you are a very typical teenage girl for your age, and I do not think the average teenage girls' behavior is acceptable these days. Do not try to hard to look nice for a certain boy that it comes off as inappropriate if you wear things that are too revealing to get him to notice you.

  15. no. most girls would say this because they like one of the guys you hang with and are jealous because they can't get their attention. so now they hate on you just because you guys are friends.

  16. not unless your making out with all these guys or sexually pleasing them all..just stay clean..if you geta  boyfriend then keep it to just him..but from what you say i wouldnt worry about it at all, you sound like a nice girl!..good luck

  17. A s**t is someone who sleeps around, so no don't mind them, if you're happy with the people you hang out with then don't listen to them hoes lol :) xoxoxoxo

  18. you dont act like a hoe. ur just a person witta lot of friends. ur just in with the crowd and like to hav guy friendz. and keep chasn dat guy u like. so really ur not a hoe or a s**t. and tell dem girlz wit guyz dat dey think u flirt wit just say

    "ok w.e u say, now i know ur afraid of me stealin ur guy.

    and walk away


    so good luk

  19. you hang with the guys. they are jealous because you're their 'friend' i hate hanging out with chicks, too much drama.

    you are neither a ho nor a s**t, unless you have s*x with all of them.

  20. Your walking the tight rope of in between. If you cross the line then you are a hoe and a s**t and a tramp and all that. Your 14 and prolly had s*x already so I am going to say your a w***e!

  21. If you are not sleeping with all of your guy friends then who cares what people think.  You do sound insecure with yourself and that could be why you don't have girl friends.  Worry about yourself and not what others think and you'll be ok.

  22. having a lot of guy friends doesn't make you a hoe... is not like you are kissing or sleeping with all of them... girls are probably jealous.. but you really have to check yourself and see if you're being too nice with your guy friends and sending the wrong message even if you're not thinking anything bad... try to talk more with your girl friends and maybe make more girl friends... there are some.. uhmmm.. rules you kinda have to follow when being with guys and flirting with guy you like.. and maybe you don't know them because you don't have that realtionship with your girl friends...

  23. It sounds like you're just being friendly. Other girls are just jealous because you have the ability to be friends with guys, a lot of girls are not able to because they can't relate. If you aren't sleeping with any of them, or trying to steal them away from their girlfriends, then you are definatly not a s**t or a hoe. You're just a nice person for them to be around.

  24. No, you aren't!

    It's normal for girls our age to be more attracted to guys and to try to look good for them! The other girls are just jealous that you get to kick it with all of these guys.

    :] just turn the other cheek.

    If you keep having problems with girls, just try to be more friendly towards them, and it'll look like you're just a really popular girl that likes everyone!

  25. if you dont have any other intentions then no you are not a ...... and if the other girls are insulting you thats because they are jelous it shouldnt effect your self esteem

  26. You're friends with guys and you think that it makes you a s**t? You've done nothing wrong. You're just friends with them. You flirt with one of them? So what? It's normal to have a crush on a boy, especially if you're around him all the time.

    You're doing fine, don't worry about it. :D

  27. no its just ur 14 for some reason girls call eachother that when they dont like eachother.  they r probably just jelous that you get all the attiention from the guys. dont worry bout it. u will be called a s**t a million more times in ur life. thats just a part f growing up

  28. i think you need to tell those girls to look up the definition of s**t or hoe. hanging out with guys does not make you a s**t at all and like only one of those guys and only presenting yourself nicely to only one of those guys and not all of them is definitely not a S****y thing to do. dont listen to those girls they are probably jealous

  29. no its not hoeish...ALL of my friends are guys and yes they're girlfriends are jealous (even though I'm married AND pregnant AND don't find any of them attractive) its normal for you to get along with guys better than girls. They are just jealous!!!

  30. i would say those girls are just jealous that your hanging out with them and if the girls that are saying it are the boys gf's i would say that they are just mad that your hanging out with there bf's

  31. I feel your pain.  I really only get along with guys.  I have one girlfriend that is my best friend and that's it.  The rest are guys.  As long as you aren't being sexually active with ALL of them (or even one - you're too young!) then I don't think you're being a s**t or a ho.  Don't worry what others think.  When you're all done with high school all those little cliques disappear.  The most popular girl at school will be a nobody, just like the rest of us.  So will you.  I feel bad for all you high school girls.  They were mean to me in school too but know they all act nice towards me.  Funny how things turn out, huh?

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