
Do I Need A Music License?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking of holding a party (no special occasion) where some of my friends can come to if they want in a hall somewhere and I was thinking of charging them for the ticket but does this mean I need a music license because I am charging? Btw I am a DJ so I will be playing the music.

Thanks v much




  1. You're having a party but charging your friends?! That's not very friendly!

    If you're DJing, and plan on making a living off it, you need as large a crowd as possible. Unfortunately, this means working for free until you have a following.

    I think that, as long as it isn't open to the public, you don't have to pay for the music you use. I'm guessing you're from the UK seeing as this is posted in the UK version of Yahoo...

    If you're making a profit, then legally you probably should pay. Saying that, who's going to know?

  2. Check with the hall, if they are a public entertainment venue they should have a licence, not you. It is your responsibility to check though. The music licence should cover the use of copyrighted music, again, just double check with the place you hire out.

  3. I haven't heard of a music license, but you forgot to mention what city and state you are in. You need to pay royalties when you play copyrighted music for an audience, but I don't know how that is arranged.

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