
Do I have ESP?

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Sometimes, I have dreams about events that actually do happen a few days later and get de ja vu. I also rarely daydream about events that will happen. I get songs stuck in my head before I even hear them. And I know this sounds odd, but when I am about to have something bad happen, I know it. Do I have ESP or is it my imagination?




  1. I believe we all have ESP and as with any of our senses,

    some of us have a keener sense that others.  We have

    drifted away from ESP as a social creature because it

    leads to many mistakes in perception and it is considered

    to be an invasion of privacy.  ESP, however, is quite common

    and furthermore, people overrate ESP's ability.   It is a very

    weak and innaccurate sense(for most of us) and does us more harm than good.  Our other senses are more reliable

    though even they can decieve us at times.

    I think ESP is in operation when we have notions about

    what is about to happen.  Much of ESP is subliminal in

    that we sense things that we are not aware of consciously.

    Much of what haopens in life is logical conclusions to what

    led up to an event;  We think we are predicting, when we

    are really drawing conclusions from cues we are not conciously aware of.

    Please realize I am not a scientist, psychologist, or re-

    ligious oracle.  

    Think about all the radio waves flying about.  We may be

    detecting some of these waves subliminally when we

    hear a song in our heads.  What do u think???

  2. It's subjective. I suggest keeping a journal of 'impressions' you get no matter how seemingly random or irrelevant. There are times when you'll get a piece of information that doesn't immediately seem to "fit" and that is because you're not seeing it in the right context.

    Your odds of picking the lottery numbers with ESP are nil to zip so I don't recommend banking on it...people who tell you that you can or that you're not having ESP because you can't guess the numbers are ignorant.

  3. I think it's your intuition..your higher being!!You are more in tuned to it than others...don't be scared by it..Be positive and use it to your advantage...there are ways to make it stronger and helpful to you and others

  4. It's almost certainly your imagination, but you can test this scientifically.  Next time you dream about an event happening, or something similar, such as something bad about to happen, write down as specifically as possible your prediction.  Try to be as detailed as possible.

    Give it a tick if it turns out true, a cross otherwise.  Do it a few times.  If your results are significantly above chance, it's worth exploring further.


  5. Not your imagination.

    You are tuned into the


  6. Possibly.  It happens to quite a few people, actually--being able to think about a song or a tv show or a movie, and it'll come on, or even events.  Don't discourage yourself or fight it.

  7. You might be a natural at remote viewing; which the government has even used from time to time.

  8. email please I am gifted and so are you It a blessing

  9. You're definitley a gifted person.

  10. It could be a false impression because of something you heard or saw without consciously realizing it, as it could be that you're a very intuitive person.

    To find out you'll need to pay extra attention to all details relating to those impressions.  You could also test yourself with some psychic games like the ones on .

  11. If you are saying you get songs stuck in your head before they come out at all, then you might have something.

    Dejavu is just a trick of the mind, and sometimes precognitive dreams are.

    If you are truely experiencing these things through ESP and not your imagination then you should keep a journal.

    When you have dreams that you suspect are precognitive, write it down.

    If you get a song stuck in your head that you have never heard before, write the lyrics down, and see if it comes out soon. If the song doesnt come out, then you might just have a talent more profitable than Esp, professional songwriting.

    In any case, keeping a journal will allow you to see how much of your predictions are really coming true and how much is just coincidence and imagination.

    Make sure after you make a prediction in your journal you leave room for notes after it comes true, or partially comes true.

    You might just find out you have a special gift.

  12. Yip! you got ESP

  13. I think you have ESPN. not ESP, it's probably a lot of de ja vu. and a Strong sense of been here done that... unless you can predict the lotto, it's not much good.

  14. You have ESP.

  15. Quickly tomorrow's winning lottery numbers

  16. Some areas of scientific research are so sensitive and so jealously guarded by conventional science that anyone who dares to dabble in them -- or even  to debate them in public -- is likely to bring down condemnation from the scientific establishment on their head, and risk being derided, ridiculed or even called insane

  17. Since you asked this in Science & Mathematics, I'll answer this from a scientific perspective.

    This is much more likely to be your imagination, bolstered by power of suggestion and confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is where you remember any event which seems to confirm your belief that you have ESP while you forget all the other times that don't. This creates a mental illusion which makes you think that something unusual has happened when actually nothing but a few coincidences have actually occurred.
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