
Do I have STD's??????

by  |  earlier

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Well, I am 14 now, and i've had s*x with my boyfriend about 4 times and it was unprotected. I had just read about STD's and I wanted to make sure I didn't have it. When my p***s is erect, I have like 4 or 5 HARD White bubbles close to the base of my p***s, it hurts to pinch them and they are really hard, (tryed to pop one), Do I have STDS?




  1. That's cruel DJ JT.

    And ewww!

    How do you have s*x with your BOYFRIEND at 14?!!


  2. I'm sorry but I think you have genital warts and your only 14 you need to go see the doc there r a lot of kids that have genital warts and its very easy to get them and give them to other people I have a friend my best friend she has them and she has to go get them burned off once a month but its a virus so they will never go away you will have them the rest of your life i don't mean to scare you, but if this is not what i think it is and i hope its not next time you will be more careful i hope

  3. Well I would recommend you to go to the doctor. You might have an STD. The answers on yahoo answers varies so not all answers will be correct....really sorry.

    But I do want to congratulate you for coming out of the closet at such a young age! Most people in high school still haven't and even some adults haven't! So wow, you are very brave. Don't listen to what everybody else say about g**s. I think g**s rock! And the haters should die for it....even though I'm straight as a non-flexible pencil(lol), I support g*y pride. =]

  4. Sounds like you may have herpes or genital warts...go to the doctor, and pray about it!

  5. See a doctor ASAP. many STD's are curable if treated quickly... I think. See a doctor.

  6. lol JT

    sorry dude, u hav an std

    but i suppose that it what u get for having g*y s*x(unprotected might i add!)

    gen herpes or gen warts, if it is one of them its non-curable.

    i'd say ur going thru puberty and ur hormones are confused, but since u hav already got a bf and hav done it in the *** 4 times i suppose thats not the case. also do ur parents know yet. if not u should let them know as they are the ones who will be taking you to the hospital.

  7. if you ever have s*x you should wear protection. especially if your g*y because anal s*x is worse than normal s*x. get tested...
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